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 Laws allow public employers to mandate a 20 percent contribution from their employees for health insurance



The costs of health insurance have been the cause of disagreement for quite a while among 4 sheriff’s department unions. In a hopeful bid to put an end to these disagreements, Grand Traverse County Commissioners gave approval to some offers.

On a Wednesday eve, a consensus was reached by both captains and a unit of truck drivers standing in for sheriff’s lieutenant, which allowed them to settle their common grudge. The county presently has a petition in the labor court, and the acceptance of the proposition to other unions would put an end to their appeal.

The commission’s chairwoman Carol Crawford said: “let’s wait and see if they will accept the offer.”

The state laws allow public employers to mandate a 20 percent contribution from their employees for health insurance. Now, how this law relates to preceding contracts will influence the acceptance of offers made. It was what the commission did the previous year to 13 bargaining association of the county, which up till that time, the majority were paying 6 percent premium.

The county was able to save costs from the recent development but was a considerable blow to employees whose family health insurance rose from $73.61 to $245.38. This caused many officials of associations in the county to complain of inequitable labor practices. Many wavered, apart from those representatives of sheriff’s office, and they stuck majorly cause their contract runs till 2018.

A recent verdict reached by the panel of the Michigan Employment Relations Commission gave victory to 4 sheriff’s union. Up to $150,000 paid for health insurance would be given back to correction officers, sergeant, deputies, and clerical employees; that’s if the county officials do not file for an appeal.

Offers approved by the commissioner will recede a county petition if 4 unions of Michigan police officers are willing to settle their differences. On Thursday, a POAM business representative by name Dan Kuhn said before making any comment; he has to go through the proposed settlement agreement. Kuhn further noted that under the administration of Tom Menzel, county officials and unions didn’t have a good relationship, and hoped things would be better in Vicki Uppal administration.

According to county labor lawyer, Peter Cohl, the agreement with the truck drivers have put an end to the issues with the union. The county was able to save money and cost from the rise in premium, he said.

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Tax planning and Tax preparation

There is a significant misconception that tax planning and tax preparation means the same thing. In this article, we are going to see the difference between the two of them. 

Tax Preparation

This is the procedure used in preparing and lodging for a tax return. Typically, this is done once and involves appending your signature to the return and getting to know if you are in debt to the IRS or will be getting a refund.

Most people see tax preparation as visiting your CPA once or twice during the tax period to provide the financial information needed to prepare your tax return whereafter you sign them. Your CPA will also ensure that your tax return abides by both federal and state tax laws.

Alternatively, lawyers enrolled agents, or someone who prepares tax (might not be certified) could be employed by taxpayers to prepare their tax. Occasionally, people make their tax returns and lodge them with the IRS themselves. However, whoever is in charge of preparing your tax should be someone you trust, and they should be experienced in tax preparation. They should also ensure to make no mistake while filing your tax and should do so when due.

Tax Planning

Unlike tax preparation, which is a one-time event, tax planning goes on throughout the year. For tax planning, individuals and business owners are better off employing the service of more qualified and experienced CPAs and miami accountant as opposed to just any tax preparer. Tax planning includes, but not limited to the following:

  • Maximizing deductions
  • Counterbalancing investment gains using tax-loss harvesting.
  • Increasing payments to a retirement account
  • Knowing the appropriate time to venture into capital expenditures to enjoy tax benefits.

Another essential part of tax planning is keeping records, as it enables more manageable quarterly tax payment, and so helps in tax preparation for the coming year.

Surprisingly, most taxpayers do not plan their tax despite the advantages to it. Planning your tax will help reduce financial obligations in the coming year’s tax return. Though you might need to allot more time to see your accountant, in the end, it’s all worth it. More time with your accountant now means you will know what to do to reduce financial obligations during the coming year’s tax return.

How to Recover from Deindexation Of Your Site by Google

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It can be devastating to discover Google has deindexed your site. One minute your website is doing great, and the next minute, you’ve lost all your organic traffic. When such happens to you, try not to panic and remain calm.

You can always get Google to reindex your site, although you will need time to get your rankings back. The first step in getting your site reindexed is by knowing the reason it was initially deindexed.

Why would Google deindex a site?

Two reasons that could cause your site to be deindexed are

  • A manual action was carried out on your site by Google. Or
  • Either knowingly or unknowingly, an error was made in your website’s code.

If it were a manual action that was carried out on your site, Google would typically send a notification to your search console with details of your violations. This type of action would be carried out majorly when your website goes against Google’s webmaster quality guidelines. These guidelines should be adhered to strictly, to remain in good terms with Google.

In this article, we will be discussing reasons for deindexation, solutions, and procedures to follow to recover.

Suspicious Links Coming from And Going to Your Site

This could result from any of the following

  • Getting excess inbound links to your site within a short period. This gives Google the impression that you are purchasing the links.
  • Engaging in exchange of links.
  • Spamming blogs with comments.
  • Making inferior posts on guest sites.


Your backlink profile should be audited if manual action was carried out on your site due to unnatural/suspicious links. In the course of the auditing, those links that are relevant and organic should be identified, while a list of irrelevant and suspicious links that need to be disavowed should be submitted. You should also lodge a reconsideration request telling what the issue was and things you’ve done to rectify the infraction.

Content Concerns

Thin contents, duplicated, auto-generated, and not original all go against Google’s guidelines. Wrong spellings and grammar and such contents types listed are all regarded as low quality and are bad for your site’s rankings.


You most likely will know the pages been affected if you are engaging in an auto-generation or creation of contents that are not original. Pages with thin or duplicate content on your site can be harder to identify.

Therefore, you should make do of an SEO crawler. When detected, such low-quality content should be enhanced or else remove them entirely. Lastly, do not forget to lodge a reconsideration request.


When you are providing two separate content or URL to search engines and users, what you are doing is called cloaking and is an offense against Google, which will lead to a manual action.


Occasionally, it might not be your fault when cloaking occurs. For instance, if behind your subscribers’ paywall, there is content, then it might seem like cloaking. The right action to take when posed with this kind of issue is website restructuring using JSON-LD. Google has provided instructions on how to go about this.

Another instance could be when your website is hijacked by hackers, as they mostly use cloaking in making users visit shady sites. This particular issue can be fixed through a quick scan of your site to find and fix pages that are compromised. Alternatively, you could employ services like Sucuri to do the cleaning for you. A reconsideration request should be filed after the fixing.

Spammy Structured Markup

Rules are guiding structured data, and once you go against them, you will receive a manual action that could result in the deindexing of your website.


The first thing to do is identifying significant causes of manual actions due to structured data. And with the notification sent to your search console, find where the problem lies. Another way of finding the faults is by using Structured Data Testing Tool and as always fill a reconsideration request.

Mistakenly Asking Google To Deindex Your Website

Applying the noindex directive on a page will cause Google to deindex that page. Occasionally, one can mistakenly use such instruction and have their site deindexed.


Check your page to be sure the noindex directive is not active. Also, go through your settings to be sure you’ve granted permission to Google to crawl your website.

Domain Expiration

Nonrenewable of your domain name will automatically cause Google to remove your site from their search results.


Try not to allow your domain to expire before you renew it. Set reminders or employ services like StatusCake’s domain monitoring to remind you when your domain is about to expire.

Server Crash

If your site crashes and you don’t fix it for a long time, it will automatically be removed from Google’s index.


There are web services that you can subscribe to, which informs you of issues with your site should any occur. With that, you will be able to fix the problems with your site promptly before Google takes any action against them.

Changes In Google’s Algorithm

If there are recent changes to Google’s Algorithm, then the issues you are facing might be due to those changes.


Check to be sure that you are not breaking any rule that might have been implemented in the new algorithm. You could also cross-reference the period you started having the issues to when the updates were made.

Once you’ve resolved all these issues talked about, there are other steps to take to reach full recovery.

  • File a reconsideration request: if the reason for the deindexation of your site is because of nonadherence to quality guidelines, you have to lodge a reconsideration request. And before filing the requests, make sure to resolve all the issues that caused the deindexation in the first place.
  • Sitemaps should be submitted to Google: if other reasons other than quality guidelines caused your deindexation, you would need to provide sitemaps to Google before your site can be reindexed.
  • Also, while trying to get your site reindexed, look for ways to drive traffic to your site. Social media is a major source of organic traffic that you could try to get.


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Applications of Automation in Research and Clinical Diagnostics




Precision counts in the fields of science and medicine. This is particularly true for the basic task of counting and analyzing cells, which is used in both clinical and research settings. The introduction of automatic cell counters, which provide efficiency and accuracy that manual approaches cannot match, has resulted in a notable advancement in this field.

What is Automated Cell Counting?

Automated cell counters are advanced instruments that are made to precisely and swiftly count and examine cells. In contrast to manual counting methods that rely on human vision and a microscope, automated counters use software algorithms and image technology to count and analyze cells. This ensures more accurate findings by expediting the procedure and lowering the possibility of human error.

Type of Automated Cell Counters

There are several types of automated cell counters used in research and clinical diagnostics, each employing different technologies and methods for cell counting. The main types of automated cell counters include:

Image Cytometers: These devices use optical microscopy to statically image cells, which are frequently labeled to detect certain molecules or provide contrast. Cell counting is aided by the automation of image cytometers made possible by digital cameras.
Flow Cytometers: Use a regulated flow of suspended cells to align individual cells for analysis. Staining cells with fluorochromes enables visual characterization of the cells and facilitates high-throughput analysis.
Cell Sorters: Arrange cells according to their electrical properties. Sorting is accomplished by dividing the fluid stream containing the cells into droplets whose electrical charge varies according to the kind of cell and guiding them into various containers.
Time-Lapse Cytometers: Allow for continuous monitoring of cells in an incubator by employing non-heat-generating light sources, such as LEDs, in conjunction with image cytometry to investigate cellular dynamics without causing damage to living cells.
Hemocytometers: A qualified technician, an optical microscope, and a gridded slide with known volume wells are used in this manual cell counting approach. Up until the 1950s, hemocytometers were the norm for counting cells.

These various types of automated cell counters provide effective and precise methods for cell counting and analysis, each with unique benefits and uses in clinical and research environments.


Automated cell counters have become indispensable tools in understanding cell behavior. They are used in various research fields, including cancer research, drug discovery, and stem cell therapy.

One of the key benefits in research is the ability to handle large volumes of data. For instance, in drug discovery, automated counters can quickly analyze the effects of thousands of compounds on cell growth and death. This high-throughput capability accelerates the pace of research, allowing scientists to screen potential drugs more efficiently than ever before.

Moreover, automated cell counters offer the precision required to detect subtle changes in cell populations. This is crucial in fields like cancer research, where understanding the behavior of cancer cells can lead to the development of more effective treatments.

Clinical Diagnostics

The impact of automated cell counters extends beyond the research laboratory and into clinical diagnostics. In medical laboratories, these devices play a critical role in routine blood tests, infectious disease diagnostics, and monitoring patient health during treatment.

For example, in a routine complete blood count (CBC), automated cell counters can quickly provide a detailed analysis of different blood cell types. This information is vital for diagnosing conditions such as anemia, infections, and blood cancers. The speed and accuracy of automated counters mean that patients can receive diagnoses and begin treatment more swiftly.

In the context of infectious diseases, automated counters can detect and quantify specific pathogens or immune cells, helping to diagnose infections quickly and accurately. During the COVID-19 pandemic, automated cell counting technologies were instrumental in monitoring virus spread and patients’ immune responses, showcasing their value in crisis situations.

Challenges and Future Directions

The initial cost of these devices can be high, and their operation requires specific technical expertise. Additionally, different types of cells and conditions may require customized counting protocols, necessitating ongoing adjustments and updates to software algorithms.


Looking ahead, ongoing advancements in technology promise to further enhance the capabilities of automated cell counters. The global cell counting market growth is anticipated at a CAGR of 7.5% by 2032. Innovations in imaging technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are expected to improve accuracy, speed, and the ability to analyze more complex cell characteristics. As these technologies evolve, automated cell counters will become even more integral to research and diagnostics, opening new avenues for scientific discovery and patient care.

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