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Top Tips to Ace Online Casino Games (10x your wins with 4th one)




You can earn a lot from online casino games, the only thing you must know is when you should hold’em, when to walk away, and when to fold’em. 

The introduction of online casino games has revolutionised the whole gambling world. It has added extra factors of fun, accessibility and ease for players to try their luck and win big. With such a platform at your disposal, if your strategies are right, casino games can help you earn a fortune. 

There is a plethora of online casino websites with several classes of gambling and betting games. If you’re keen to gain access to them in one place, you can find some of the best casino games at NetBet.

If you’re new to online casinos or have tried it but had hard luck in winning, here are few general tips to follow when you engage in any online casino game: 

1. Be Smart Not a Robot

An online casino will never let you know how its algorithm or system works. You must understand it for yourself. 

Tip1: If you’re a better player, you can try your luck on lower skill-level games. 

The bets on these games might be little, but the winnings can be higher. Additionally, an excellent way to increase winnings is to divide your skills among distinct lower level and higher-level games. 

You can leverage these lower skill room games as your ‘safety net’ and aim at gambling with more money in the higher skill games. And once you get skilled in the games, you’re going to yield great success in any online casino game.

Some of the popular skill games that you can play online are: 

  • Rummy
  • Poker
  • Backgammon
  • Tonk
  • Spades
  • Yahtzee

2. Watch & Learn

The ancient technique to master any skill. 

Tip2: Be a wise observer, and watch other players bet and then base some of your bet off theirs. 

If you have a great hand, you can aim at increasing the stakes and possibly draw other players to increase your predicted winnings. 

While playing online casino games, you must follow a proactive approach to be aware of everything going on in the game while gambling. 

3. Know when to stop your horses

If you don’t know where to stop while gambling! Then you might lose all that you earn from the online casinos. 

Tip3: The best advice any gambling expert will give you is to know your limits and identify the point when you begin to ‘burn out’. 

Always remember, casinos love such players who aren’t aware of their burning out condition, as they’re expected to spend more money and lose it all. 

What’s a burn out in online casino?

So, just in case you’re tired, and your stay in with hands that aren’t so good, that’s the point where you’re suffering from a ‘burn out’. 

4. Don’t Miss out on the offers.

Online casinos host numerous cashback bonuses, and attractive offers to draw more players. If you’re a new player, then you can certainly enjoy many handsome beginners’ cashback offers. 

Tip4: Learn to utilise the cashback bonuses and offers online.

Although these offers are to entice the players, the bonuses are enough for you to earn a jackpot. You can play several games with them or get a large percentage of money as cashback to what you spend on the game. 


You must know that you can’t beat online casino houses. You can gamble, you can enjoy all the fun that you ought to have while playing, but the house will always have a long-term edge over the wins. However, it does not mean you can’t make a lot of money through online casino gaming. You obviously can! But you’ll never make it as a professional roulette player or professional slot player on these online casino games. 

Play it to win it. Good Luck! 

The idea of Bigtime Daily landed this engineer cum journalist from a multi-national company to the digital avenue. Matthew brought life to this idea and rendered all that was necessary to create an interactive and attractive platform for the readers. Apart from managing the platform, he also contributes his expertise in business niche.

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“The Firing Squad”: I Cried Buckets of Tears




Sitting in the dimly lit theater, I had no idea what to expect as the opening credits of “The Firing Squad” began to roll. Little did I know that I was about to embark on an emotional journey that would leave me reaching for tissues and struggling to catch my breath.

The film follows the true story of three Christians facing execution by firing squad in a third world country. Directed by Timothy A. Chey, it features a stellar cast including James Barrington, Kevin Sorbo, and Cuba Gooding Jr. Each actor brings their character to life with such authenticity and depth that it’s impossible not to be fully immersed in their struggles and triumphs.

As the plot unfolded, I found myself drawn into a world of despair and desperation, but also one of unwavering faith and hope. The characters’ journey from darkness to light, from despair to redemption, resonated with me on a deeply personal level. I couldn’t help but be moved by their courage and resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity.

But it was the performances that truly stole the show. James Barrington’s portrayal of the protagonist’s internal turmoil was nothing short of mesmerizing, while Kevin Sorbo and Cuba Gooding Jr. delivered powerhouse performances that left me in awe.

And then there was the message of the film—that no matter how bleak the circumstances may seem, there is always hope. That even in our darkest moments, faith has the power to transform lives and bring about redemption. It was a message that hit me like a ton of bricks, leaving me with tears streaming down my face and a renewed sense of purpose.

As the credits rolled and the lights came up, I found myself struggling to put into words the impact that “The Firing Squad” had on me. All I could manage was, “I cried buckets of tears.” And I wasn’t alone. As I looked around the theater, I saw others wiping their eyes and exchanging emotional glances.

In the end, “The Firing Squad” wasn’t just a movie—it was an experience. An experience that left me feeling inspired, uplifted, and profoundly grateful for the power of cinema to touch the soul. And for that, I will be forever grateful.

The movie is set to premiere in the theatres worldwide on August 2, 2024. And this is definitely a must watch movie, reminding people of the strength of faith.

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