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Best Action Films To Watch




Avengers Endgame movie still

If you have some free time to kill, maybe a movie is for you. Action films are high-speed films usually featuring combat or some sort of fighting. Action films have recently been upgraded with all of the marvel films that come out, the technology and effort that is put into these films is truly phenomenal. You also get realistic action films such as a war film or a drama film. Action is one of the most popular genres of film today, so if you are looking for some films that meet the action category then keep on reading!

Captain America: The First Avenger

This film is the very first amongst all of the Captain America films. Set in the second world war, a young man named Steve Rogers finds himself as the skinniest and smallest applicant for fighting in the second world war. After receiving many rejections into the war, he is offered an opportunity to get in through an experimental program. The program worked and gave Steve Rogers immense strength and athletic ability. It allowed him to become the best soldier that fought in the second world war, he prevented bombs and weapons from being used in places in the United States. This move is action-packed to the brim, with countless explosions, hand-to-hand combat scenes and gunfire. If you like marvel films and have not seen this film, it is a must-see, especially if you have seen the later avengers movies.

Hacksaw: Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge is based on a true story of a man named Desmond Doss. Desmond is a Conscientious Objector, who still wishes to participate in the war, but without arms. It is one of the best action films to watch if you love an army film! With what appears to be the whole military being against the idea of him fighting without a gun, he manages to push through, and he brings substantial benefits to the battles too. Desmond Doss saved 75 men, some of whom include men on the other side of the battle, who were on their last legs. Back at home, Desmond has a love interest that acts as a reminder of why he fights and why he does what he does. There are several moments of romance in this film that blend and work nicely with the action as it allows us to understand what Desmond could lose if he doesn’t fight in the war. This film is best enjoyed on a high quality screen, click here to speak to a professional regarding TV wall mounting services.

Justice League

From the creators of Marvel’s biggest rival, DC, this film finds a good spot in the action film genre. In this film, we get to see Batman assemble a team in order to fight an invasion of aliens that come with the intent to destroy the Earth. There are 2 different takes on this movie by 2 different directors: Joss Whedon, and Zack Snyder. Zack Snyder’s cut is a longer take with an altered story and more character development. But it is also double the length of Joss Whedons, coming in at 4 hours. So, you will need a lot of free time, but it is worth it as this is one of the best action films to watch. In this film, we get to see Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Aqua-man, and Cyborg fighting alongside each other during an alien invasion. There are many action scenes in this film with great visuals and is worth watching if you are into superhero action films.

I Am Legend

A scientist by the name of Robert Neville is the last survivor of a zombie apocalypse due to natural immunity to the zombie virus that spread throughout the city. He is working hard to find a cure for the virus so he can save everyone from the virus. He fails to find the cure and he finds out that the zombies are just trying to save the zombie that Robert took to try and isolate a cure. This is one of the best action films to watch if you like zombie movies. Nearing the end of the film, Robert finds another group of survivors and attempts to convince them to stay in the city so he can still try and work on a cure. Nearing the end, Robert sacrifices himself to save the other survivors. The other survivors manage to locate a camp that allows them to regroup and get together with other people. 

These are some of the best action films to watch. These are all full of great action packed moments that will be sure to get the adrenaline flowing. If you enjoyed this article and would like to see more, keep an eye out for more articles by us regarding movies and more.

From television to the internet platform, Jonathan switched his journey in digital media with Bigtime Daily. He served as a journalist for popular news channels and currently contributes his experience for Bigtime Daily by writing about the tech domain.

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“The Firing Squad”: I Cried Buckets of Tears




Sitting in the dimly lit theater, I had no idea what to expect as the opening credits of “The Firing Squad” began to roll. Little did I know that I was about to embark on an emotional journey that would leave me reaching for tissues and struggling to catch my breath.

The film follows the true story of three Christians facing execution by firing squad in a third world country. Directed by Timothy A. Chey, it features a stellar cast including James Barrington, Kevin Sorbo, and Cuba Gooding Jr. Each actor brings their character to life with such authenticity and depth that it’s impossible not to be fully immersed in their struggles and triumphs.

As the plot unfolded, I found myself drawn into a world of despair and desperation, but also one of unwavering faith and hope. The characters’ journey from darkness to light, from despair to redemption, resonated with me on a deeply personal level. I couldn’t help but be moved by their courage and resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity.

But it was the performances that truly stole the show. James Barrington’s portrayal of the protagonist’s internal turmoil was nothing short of mesmerizing, while Kevin Sorbo and Cuba Gooding Jr. delivered powerhouse performances that left me in awe.

And then there was the message of the film—that no matter how bleak the circumstances may seem, there is always hope. That even in our darkest moments, faith has the power to transform lives and bring about redemption. It was a message that hit me like a ton of bricks, leaving me with tears streaming down my face and a renewed sense of purpose.

As the credits rolled and the lights came up, I found myself struggling to put into words the impact that “The Firing Squad” had on me. All I could manage was, “I cried buckets of tears.” And I wasn’t alone. As I looked around the theater, I saw others wiping their eyes and exchanging emotional glances.

In the end, “The Firing Squad” wasn’t just a movie—it was an experience. An experience that left me feeling inspired, uplifted, and profoundly grateful for the power of cinema to touch the soul. And for that, I will be forever grateful.

The movie is set to premiere in the theatres worldwide on August 2, 2024. And this is definitely a must watch movie, reminding people of the strength of faith.

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