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Facing Methodological Challenges, ASD Researchers Emphasize Biological Insights




Autism is one of the most common developmental disabilities, yet widely misunderstood, both by medical professionals and the community at large. This is part of the reason many individuals with the condition do not receive a correct diagnosis until later in life, and too often fail to get appropriate support.

Such extreme variables make researching the condition difficult, as well. For example, from an insurance perspective, autism support is often limited to early behavioral interventions for children, occupational, speech, and physical therapy. In some cases, carriers allow coverage for talk therapy-style care for adults.

Unfortunately, in terms of research into these targeted interventions, methodological issues have left scientists with few answers and a lot of conflicting information.

Quality, Bias, and Other Concerns

In a meta-analysis of various early intervention studies, researchers uncovered numerous cases of bias, poor methodology, and other obstacles. These included studies that based their results on parental reports, those that exhibited a high risk of bias because the intervention provider was gauging treatment effectiveness, and still more.

Early intervention certainly seems to yield some benefit, but there are many different kinds of support available, practitioner skill varies, and other factors pose challenges to study, not to mention expensive, unreliable tools for families.

Emphasizing Basic Research

Instead of focusing on more variable and often subjective matters like early intervention therapies, researchers are instead turning their attention to basic research, an approach that looks at foundational biological mechanisms to understand bodily processes. This is critical, given that research supported by the Brain Research Foundation established a new baseline case prevalence of 2.64% of the population.

That’s more than the incidence of epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease, and ovarian cancer, among many other conditions. Nearly everyone knows someone who’s autistic.

As part of the focus on basic research, scientists have been examining the impact certain genes associated with autism spectrum disorders may have on brain development. One, known as Cullin 3, is regarded as a high-risk gene that can lead to a number of neurological deficits, including poor coordination, as well as certain social and cognitive impairments associated with autism.

This seems to be linked to changes in brain cell migration during development. In turn, that compels certain cells, which should be part of higher-level functions, to remain stuck in other regions of the brain.

Gender Bias, Gender Differences

For many years, autistic women have been pointing to diagnostic bias as a key reason why many girls and women have been overlooked. The diagnostic standards, patients and other advocates have argued, are modeled on a particular subset of boys, which likely led to serious gaps in understanding and support.

Although there is strong evidence for this, it may not be the only issue in play, though. Other research suggests that autism actually develops differently in boys and girls – in a more strictly biological sense.

One of the most marked distinctions the new research has turned up is that, during social interactions, the differences in brain activity between autistic and non-autistic girls is not the same as the differences seen in autistic and non-autistic boys. Girls also showed a greater number of gene variants that may affect the development of the brain known as the striatum, also not seen in boys.

In some senses, these are almost distinct conditions, which makes this one of the interesting challenges with regard to study of multi-genic conditions.

We are still years away from a clear understanding of the biological mechanisms that underlie autism, but the better the condition’s processes are understood, the more targeted interventions and supports can be. Like so much other scientific research, this could be the start of a long journey with much more to discover.

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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9 Simple Steps to Dealing with a Broken Tooth




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It’s movie night, and you have an obligatory bowlful of popcorn balancing on your lap. You toss a handful of popcorn and — crack — you unknowingly bite down on a kernel with the full power of your jaw. 

Lightning strikes your mouth as you realize this humble kernel broke your tooth. 

Now what? 

Besides pausing the movie and spitting out your mouthful of popcorn and tooth, you might not know your next steps. 

What should you do, and how can you pay for it? Find the answers to these questions and more below:

1. Save the Pieces 

If possible, save any broken pieces of the tooth. Your dentist might need these pieces.

2. Rinse Your Mouth 

Gently rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area. Avoid using hot or cold water, as it might aggravate any exposed nerves. 

3. Control Bleeding 

If you bleed, apply gentle pressure to the area with a clean cloth or gauze. You can also use a cold compress on your jaw or cheek to reduce swelling.

4. Contact Your Dentist

Reach out to your dentist immediately. Explain the situation and try to schedule an emergency appointment. Many dentists reserve slots for urgent cases. If they don’t have a spot available, look at specialty emergency clinics in your area.

5. Get Over-the-Counter Pain Relief

Broken and chipped teeth can hurt, so take some over-the-counter pain relievers to help manage this pain until you can see your dentist. 

6. Check Insurance Coverage

Review your dental insurance policy to understand coverage details. Some policies may cover emergency procedures, while others may have limitations.

7. Discuss Payment Options

If cost is a concern, discuss financing options with your dentist. Some dental offices offer flexible arrangements that give you a break. If you qualify for these plans, you might be able to push out your due date to coincide with your payday. You may even be able to break up your total outstanding amount over several payments. 

8. Take out a Personal Loan

If you’re just shy of what you need to cover your emergency dental expense, consider going online to scope out personal loans. A personal loan may fill in for savings in urgent situations. You can quickly visit a website like MoneyKey to see what you need to apply. If approved, a personal loan gives you the means to pay for your visit upfront and pay off what you owe over time. 

9. Consider Urgent Care Clinics

If your financial situation is such that you can’t afford a personal loan’s payments, reconsider your choice of dentist. Some dental practices apply a sliding scale to their services so that they can provide immediate care at a lower cost for at-risk individuals. 

Next Steps: Thinking About the Future

So, you’ve managed to repair your tooth and pay the bill, too. What’s next? Make sure you hit these three goals soon. They can help you prevent another broken tooth in the future!

  1. Stay on Top of Dental Hygiene: Brush at least twice a day and floss once a day — these simple habits can protect your teeth over time. 
  2. Schedule Regular Checkups: Keeping up with regular cleanings can also help you prevent future dental emergencies. 
  3. Build an Emergency Fund: Sometimes, accidents happen. Consider building an emergency fund specifically for unexpected dental emergencies.
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