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Pros and Cons of Becoming a Freelance Copywriter in 2020




Have you ever noticed how many of your friends started working from home? Just stop for a minute and think about how much you are missing if you have to spend 8 hours in the office. Imagine how different your life would be if you could manage your time and decide when you will work on your own. Nowadays, it is possible.

The world has moved online, and so should you. The Internet, with all its opportunities, provides you with the freedom that you surely miss in the office. You can finally have time to be with your family or read an interesting book while working in a convenient regime and making good money.

Copywriting and academic writing are the number one choices of freelance occupations among youth today. Cooperating with a custom dissertation writing service or a freelance platform attracts people because they can choose their working hours and even the topics they would want to work on.

If you still think that there are some constraints for becoming a freelance copywriter in 2020, let’s discuss the pros and cons of this idea in greater depth.


The best idea is to start coucopynting benefits associated with freelance copywriting at websites like or other similar platforms. Here is why.

Freedom and Time

As a freelance copywriter, you are not bound by any office hours. You can work whenever you feel like doing so.

Moreover, freelance employment provides you with an opportunity to choose what you want to work on. This diversity and the absence of constraints expands your freedom.

There is no boss who can make you work late hours or whose ideas you should follow. In this field, you are your own boss who makes all the choices.

Geographical Diversity

Have you ever dreamt of working on the fly? It is possible if you are a freelancer.

You can pick any place in the world and complete your writing assignments from there. The only things you should have are a computer and a proper Internet connection.

And the only thing you should care about is the time difference with your clients.

Industry Growth

With e-commerce growing so fast, more and more niches appear for freelance copywriters. You can complete several online courses and become a technical writer, marketing writer, content writer, or academic writer.

Whatever direction you choose, you will most likely face a fierce competition but also lots of opportunities to succeed. Writers are needed everywhere, and the global penetration of social media only fuels this demand.

Your Own Pricing

Treat your passion for freelance copywriting as a small business venture. It allows you to rate your work the way you think it costs. You can evaluate your skills, compare them to the ones that your competitors have, and set the price that you find reasonable.

Freelance copywriting is sensitive to your rate like no other business. Thus, be reasonable when pricing your texts.


However, to be fair, some cons that may hinder your success as a freelance copywriter should be mentioned.

Getting Started

The freelance industry is developing and growing at a high pace. Thus, getting started with a freelance career is always a challenge. You need to find clients or even work for free to get a positive review.

Many people give up when they see how hard it is to finally shine your star on the copywriting horizon. However, no matter how difficult it feels, the effort will definitely pay off later.

Work-Life Balance

When you only start your freelance career, you will be definitely troubled with finding the right work-life balance. There will be no office, so your time for rest will be sometimes interrupted with work issues.

At times, you will have to make revisions at an inconvenient time. You will always have to carry your computer with you to manage issues timely and accurately.

Also, you will need to track your emails and respond to every notification because failure to do that may cost you a client.


It is also possible that your work will not be consistent. Sometimes, you can get several projects at a time that will require you to work extra hours.

However, there will be times when you will not have clients or assignments at all. You will have to learn how to handle such a tough schedule. Eventually, as soon as you have enough clients, such situations will not happen that often.

Final Words

A freelance copywriter career may seem easy, but it is not. It requires discipline, communication skills, and a great desire to learn and develop.

Thus, if you are sure that writing is your ultimate dream, you should give it a shot. Do not be afraid of getting started procedure: every career is difficult at first.

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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Interview with Jason Ho, CEO of Teklium: A Vision for the Future of Technology




Photo courtesy of Teklium 

By Mj Toledo

There is a wealth of experience behind Teklium, and it is embodied in its chief executive officer (CEO), Jason Ho. His educational foundation was laid at National Chiao Tung University and Pennsylvania State University, where he developed his skills in electrical engineering. With over 400 patents to his name, he has played a key role in advancing semiconductor technologies and artificial intelligence (AI).

From leading custom chip design for the F35 Fighter Jet to innovating at Teklium, Ho’s work has been adopted by major corporations worldwide. In this interview, he shares his vision for the future of technology and how Teklium’s developments fit into this broader landscape.

Q: Hi, Jason. For those who may not be familiar with Teklium, could you tell us more about your company?

Jason Ho: Certainly. Teklium is a technology company focused on improving AI and semiconductor technologies. Our mission is to create self improving AI systems and hardware that can tackle various technological challenges and shape the future of multiple industries.

Q: You hold over 400 international patents, with one of your most notable innovations being hydrogen battery technology. What inspired you to promote this sustainable transportation solution?

Jason Ho: I’ve always been deeply interested in finding sustainable energy solutions, especially in transportation. Traditional lithiumion batteries have clear limitations, both in terms of performance and their environmental impact due to resource mining. Hydrogen batteries present a promising alternative, offering both environmental benefits and faster refueling times, which could make electric vehicles more practical and appealing.

Q: What drove you to focus on hydrogen battery technology specifically?

Jason Ho: My collaboration with Mark Bayliss, President of Visual Link, played a significant role. Mark introduced the concept of a closed loop hydrogen system, and our joint efforts resulted in the development of a hydrogen battery technology that we believe can provide a clean and safer alternative to lithiumion batteries. This inspired me to continue refining the technology, working with Visual Link to bring it to market.

Q: How do you see your company’s hydrogen battery technology impacting the electric vehicle industry in the next decade?

Jason Ho: I’ve thought about this a lot. Our hydrogen battery technology has the potential to revolutionize the electric vehicle industry by offering a more efficient and sustainable energy source. The ability to refuel quickly, combined with the technology’s adaptability to a wide range of temperatures, could make electric vehicles far more practical and attractive to consumers in the long term.

Q: Can you explain the significance and potential impact of Teklium’s closed loop hydrogen energy system on global energy consumption?

Jason Ho: The closed loop hydrogen energy system is groundbreaking because it enables onsite hydrogen generation through water electrolysis, eliminating the need for external supply chains. This drastically lowers energy consumption and minimizes environmental impact by recycling water in a continuous loop. The system offers an environmentally friendly solution for industries beyond transportation, including energy storage and telecommunications.

Q: What challenges do you foresee in scaling up hydrogen battery production, and how does Teklium plan to address them?

Jason Ho: Scaling up hydrogen battery production comes with significant challenges, including the development of necessary infrastructure, reducing production costs, and ensuring safety standards. At Teklium, we plan to address these obstacles by partnering with industry leaders to build the required infrastructure and by investing in research to lower costs. We’re also committed to implementing rigorous safety protocols to ensure the technology performs reliably.

Q: How does Teklium’s strategy for AI infrastructure differ from traditional approaches?

Jason Ho: At Teklium, we’re taking a different approach by exploring ways to develop advanced materials and technologies that could improve the performance and efficiency of AI infrastructure. We’re focused on moving beyond traditional silicon based systems and envision a future where we can create three dimensional chip structures that significantly reduce data movement and energy consumption. By integrating memory and processing capabilities, we believe we can revolutionize AI workloads.

Q: Teklium has ambitious plans for extending Moore’s Law. Can you elaborate on how these plans could transform the semiconductor industry?

Jason Ho: Siliconbased chips are nearing their physical limits, so we’re exploring technologies that could allow us to scale transistor density both vertically and horizontally. By adopting these new approaches, we aim to significantly increase chip performance and, in doing so, challenge the traditional expectations of Moore’s Law. We also envision a future where chips are reusable and can be reprogrammed over decades, which could reshape the semiconductor industry’s business model in terms of sustainability and efficiency.

Q: What environmental benefits could Teklium’s technologies bring, particularly in reducing carbon emissions and resource consumption?

Jason Ho: Our innovations could have a profound impact on the environment. We’re committed to developing technologies that reduce resource consumption and minimize waste. By creating more efficient manufacturing processes and extending the lifespan of chips, we hope to significantly reduce electronic waste. Our work on AI infrastructure could also cut energy consumption in data centers by as much as 60%, which would translate into substantial reductions in carbon emissions. And, of course, our hydrogen battery technology offers a clean energy storage solution that could accelerate the adoption of renewable energy sources.

Q: Aside from electric vehicles, what are some other exciting applications of Teklium’s hydrogen battery technology?

Jason Ho: While electric vehicles are an obvious application, there are so many more exciting possibilities. Our hydrogen batteries could serve as large scale energy storage solutions, balancing grid loads and supporting renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. They could also power remote cell towers and data centers in areas where traditional power sources are unreliable. In aerospace, these batteries could enable long range drones and even electric aircraft. The potential applications in disaster relief and military operations, where portable and reliable energy is critical, are also very exciting.

Q: How does your collaboration with companies like Nantero and Visual Link advance Teklium’s technological developments?

Jason Ho: Our collaboration with Nantero is allowing us to explore advanced memory architectures, while our partnership with Visual Link offers crucial insights into practical applications and market needs. Visual Link also helps us navigate regulatory challenges, ensuring our innovations are commercially viable and compliant with industry standards.

Q: Teklium is involved in the concept of AI City in partnership with West Virginia Data Center Group. Can you tell us more about the vision for this project?

Jason Ho: AI City is an ambitious concept that we’re working on with the West Virginia Data Center Group to turn into reality. The idea is to create an intelligent infrastructure that incorporates cutting edge technologies in AI and data centers, optimizing everything from energy usage to communication networks. We envision a city that can learn and adapt to the needs of its residents, reducing inefficiencies and improving quality of life. It’s still in the planning stages, but we’re confident it can become a reality in the near future.

Q: What are your long term goals for Teklium, and how do you see your inventions influencing future generations?

Jason Ho: My long term vision for Teklium is to become a leader in sustainable technology solutions. We aim to continue pushing the boundaries of AI, semiconductor technology, and energy solutions. I want our innovations to inspire future generations to tackle global challenges like climate change and resource scarcity. Ultimately, I hope Teklium’s work contributes to a more connected and sustainable world.

While Teklium’s advancements may take time to fully realize, they open up exciting possibilities for addressing critical challenges like energy consumption and sustainability. Under Jason Ho’s leadership, Teklium is poised to make a significant impact on the future of technology and the environment.

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