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Powering the Future With Sustainable Construction




With climate change causing real, tangible changes to our planet, and the calls for intervention and attention growing louder, many industries are taking steps to make their output and processes “greener.” The construction industry has taken a lead role in following green principles in hopes of bettering the environment in which we live. 

Through sustainable practices, materials, and design, the construction industry illustrates how the world can shift towards a better impact on the environment and a better future overall. Matt DiBara, Owner of DiBara Masonry and Founder of The Contractor Consultants, believes that ethics and transparency play a significant role in eco-friendly construction approaches. 

With the negative effects of climate change no longer simply a theory, the ethical approach is one that takes into account the health of the planet and the sustainability of life on the planet. A dual major in college led DiBara to delve into Environmental Studies, and what he learned during that time has stayed with him as he has forged ahead to build his construction business.

“In our family business, we were sustainable. That was in our ethos, we cared about the environment,” DiBara told the Building the Future podcast. “Building things that last — that’s how I was taught.”

What is sustainable construction?

From the outside looking in, construction may not seem like the most sustainably aligned trade. Between clearing land to make way for buildings to large pieces of machinery that contribute to air pollution, there is much about the construction industry that is absolutely not earth-friendly. This is why innovators in the construction space have developed ways to move toward a more sustainable way of building. 

Back in 1994, Professor Charles Kibert of the University of Florida outlined the main principles of sustainable construction, including “conserve, reuse, recycle/renew, protect nature, create nontoxic and high-quality output.” These main principles are being translated today into creations such as green grid roofs, solar-powered buildings and neighborhoods, the use of recycled building materials, and sustainable construction methodology.

“I realized early how much waste was on construction sites,” says DiBara. “While I was interning, we were told to do things that would only last a year or two, for budget reasons. They weren’t good for the environment, and there were always massive dumpsters on job sites that created so much excess waste.” 

DiBara’s experience while interning with other companies out of college colored his approach to building his own construction business. Going forward, DiBara wanted to understand how to design with the environment in mind. “I wondered what things would be like for my kids if we didn’t make a change,” he says. 

Sustainable materials

When one thinks of construction, they may only think of concrete, steel beams, and glass, but there are a wealth of materials available that are far better for the environment. These alternative materials are becoming more popular as the need for change becomes clearer. 

The use of eco-friendly, sustainable materials has proven to have long-term benefits, speaking to an approach to construction that leans on long-lasting designs. The most sustainable and earth-friendly materials include cob, bamboo, stone, recycled steel, cork, and reclaimed wood, though contractors have even started to seek alternatives for insulation like sheep’s wool or insulation made from recycled newspapers. 

The market for sustainable building materials is expected to grow by leaps and bounds by 2027, projected to hit $425.4 billion. What once seemed like a niche interest in the construction industry is quickly becoming mainstream. 

“There was once an association of ‘that’s expensive’ or ‘that’s hippie’,” explains DiBara. “I realized if I could show people that that’s not true, if I could show them an alternative for the same price, I could battle the psychology of what they thought they believed in.”

Sustainable practices 

Along with eco-friendly materials, more sustainable construction practices have been able to move the needle towards better outcomes. There is a hope that through more sustainable practices and materials, 209 million tons of carbon emissions can be saved by 2050. 

Some sustainable methods include simple approaches, such as more exact measuring and cutting to reduce needless waste, recycling products on or offsite, refurbishing older buildings instead of building new ones, and managing onsite CO2 emissions as much as possible. “Really, the simplest way to approach it is to reduce, reuse, recycle,” says DiBara. 

The old mantra for “saving the Earth” still holds true. Particularly in the case of construction, it can go a long way in changing the environment for the better.

Healthier living overall

The positive effects on the environment are not the only benefits of sustainable building, as there are also noted psychological benefits to eco-friendly building practices. Studies show that employees who work within green buildings can be more productive. 

In addition, many green buildings are built to be aesthetically pleasing and maximize daylight, helping with issues such as seasonal depression. The happiness levels of people working and living within green buildings were also shown to be higher through these studies. 

The call for sustainable building is not new, but has taken on a renewed urgency as the negative effects of climate change become evident. Sustainable construction is no longer a niche concentration or trend, but the direction the entire industry needs to take to create a better future for all. 

Rosario is from New York and has worked with leading companies like Microsoft as a copy-writer in the past. Now he spends his time writing for readers of

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Nimran Kang’s Remarkable Journey: From India to the Heart of Creativity in New York City




Growing up in India, Nimran Kang never envisioned a career in graphic design. Creative fields were not widely discussed or seen as viable options in her country. Yet, Nimran’s innate talent and insatiable curiosity for the arts would soon lead her on an extraordinary journey that would take her halfway across the world. As a high school student, Nimran found herself drawn to the art room, a place where she could unleash her creativity through painting, illustration, and photography. It was during this time that a teacher recognized her potential and encouraged her to explore the world of graphic design. This pivotal moment sparked a realization within Nimran – her creative side was not something to be suppressed, but a skill to be nurtured and pursued.

Determined to turn her passion into a career, Nimran made the bold decision to apply to the prestigious School of Visual Arts in New York City. With a portfolio that showcased her diverse artistic abilities, she was accepted, embarking on a journey that would challenge her in ways she never imagined. Leaving the comfort of her home in India, Nimran embraced the challenges of being an immigrant in a foreign land, a woman of color in a field that was still largely unconventional in her home country. But her unwavering determination and thirst for growth propelled her forward.

At the School of Visual Arts, Nimran immersed herself in the world of graphic design, honing her skills and developing a keen eye for creative problem-solving. She learned to navigate the complexities of the industry, from client meetings to photo retouching, and discovered the power of combining her passion for the arts with her newfound technical expertise. Four years later, Nimran emerged from the school with a degree that not only equipped her with a comprehensive skill set but also instilled in her a deep understanding of the creative process. Armed with this knowledge, she was ready to take on the real world and carve out a successful career as a graphic designer and creative professional.

Today, Nimran Kang is thriving in the heart of New York City, working as a graphic designer and pushing the boundaries of her creativity. She continues to take calculated risks, standing her ground with clients and challenging conventional thinking, all while expanding her skills and adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of the design industry. Nimran’s story is a shining example of how passion, determination, and a willingness to take chances can lead to extraordinary outcomes. Her journey reminds us that sometimes the most unconventional paths are the ones that lead us to our greatest achievements.

As a woman of Indian descent, Nimran takes great pride in bringing her cultural identity into her work. She believes that her eclectic ideation, shaped by her upbringing in a vibrant and exciting culture, sets her apart as a designer. Nimran finds joy in sparking curiosity and excitement in others through her work that is inspired by her roots, and she never misses an opportunity to share different aspects of Indian culture. Nimran’s remarkable journey from India to the heart of creativity in New York City is a testament to the power of following one’s curiosity and embracing the unknown. Her story inspires others to chase their dreams, no matter how unconventional they may seem, and to never let their talents go to waste. Nimran’s success is a source of pride for her country, and her impact as a creative professional continues to leave a lasting mark on the industry.

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