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City Retirement – Why young people aren’t the only ones interested in urban living




Offering the most exciting concentration of retail outlets, social outings and career opportunities, cities are becoming extremely popular destinations to live in. You should be able to guess the main demographic of people that want to live in cities, but overall it isn’t as clear cut as you might think.

Here’s a bit more information on why this trend is beginning to grow in popularity among pensioners and retirees, and why it might continue to be a popular choice in the future, due to developments in technology.

Who wants to live in the city?

A large majority of the people that come to live in the city are young people, either living close by to their university during study time, or looking to work and live in the area in order to aspire higher and make the most of the opportunities for socialising and work that it affords. That being said, young people aren’t the only ones living an urban lifestyle, and an increasing number of older people are looking for similarly designed city-centre apartments and homes to retire into, reaping very much of the same benefits as the youngsters. 

Referred to by the Telegraph as ‘super-agers’, this growing niche group of older urbanites are estimated to be on average in the ‘mid-or high end affluence’ category, and want to spend their money on getting the most they can out of their retirement with their savings. This is good news for investors, local businesses, and larger city development in general.

What do young city tenants and retirees have in common?

Almost coming full circle in terms of living requirements and demands, the living situation and choice in housing style is surprisingly similar between people young and old. Here are a couple of key similarities:

Manageable studio apartments/flats – Most students or young people living on their own or with partners within the city want small, compact apartments that are easy to maintain and don’t get in the way of busy lives and schedules. Older people are very much the same in their apartment needs and wants. Many moving to the city downsize and sell their family homes in favour of something more manageable and simple, that is relaxed enough but doesn’t require a lot of travel to reach various facilities.

Examples of these apartments include the likes of One Baltic Square and Bridgewater Wharf, luxury residential apartment buildings offered by RWinvest in Liverpool and Manchester. These sorts of buildings are well placed in their respective cities, providing sleek interiors and ease-of-access to the surrounding amenities.

Proximity to the surrounding city – Again, having a solid social life and friends around is actually something high on the list of priorities for both young people and old people alike. Young students, for example, want to make the most of their time at university, forging new and long-lasting relationships with course mates and friends, while the elderly want to enjoy their retirement and get out to different social activities and events as much as possible.

Ease-of-access and opportunity for travel – Being within a city puts a ton of different facilities and amenities within walking distance of where you’re living, but it also helps to connect you with the wider country, making it much easier to get around. In Manchester for example, the northern great city, there are train links, buses, access to the airport, and even a tram service. This bonus benefits young students living away from home that use the train to travel back and forth, but also elderly people who can easily hop on-and-off public transport as they please, and access airports and long-distance trains without having to plan ahead.

How will cities benefit retirees in the future?

As technology increasingly interweaves itself with cities and the way they are navigated, nearly everyone will benefit from an increase in accessibility and productivity. However, certain developments that are being made in cities around the world will really help to make them inclusive for the elderly and disabled, in ways that they might not have thought previously possible. 

One great example of this is the ‘Virtual Warsaw’ project in Poland, which aimed to make city traversal much more accessible and possible for the visually impaired. By creating a series of different network transmitters across points-of-interest around the popular city, visitors and locals could be alerted to their location via smartphone, making them aware of everything from dangers to local museum opening times and bus stop locations. This sort of development wouldn’t necessarily be possible in rural areas, and so displays a level of social inclusion that only cities would be able to achieve. 

To add to this, you might have heard of the phrase ‘internet of things’, which refers to the interconnectivity between home devices and appliances that allow for them to be controlled through one another. This trend is also permeating modern building techniques, and it is quite probable that in the coming years, building features such as internet connectivity, heating and security will be connected and automated on a tenant/landlord’s behalf. These sorts of developments will benefit both the investor/homeowner and the tenant going forward.

Which cities are the most popular for students and retirees

It’s a great time to be an investor in the UK at the moment, as there are many different cities across the country with exciting prospects and unique features. But which are the most popular among young students, and which do retirees seem to gravitate towards?

Students – Oxford & Cambridge – Most cities in the UK with prevalent universities attract an abundance of young people during term-time. Despite Manchester holding the title for one of the largest student populations in Europe, Oxford and Cambridge perhaps unsurprisingly take the cake for the most young people. Oxford in particular has the highest share of residents aged 18-24 in the entire country. Students aiming for greatness in these cities can expect to also pay great sums to find accommodation, however, as quality living arrangements are hard to come by due to their partial scarcity.

Retirees – Blackpool

Providing the seaside attraction while still maintaining a partial city feel, Blackpool is the city in the UK with the highest percentage of older people. A study by the Guardian estimated that five out of ten English people want to move when they retire – and the city presents new social opportunity – although they also prioritise peace and quiet, and aren’t happy in overcrowded areas like London, which can be a daunting and overwhelming prospect. Blackpool seems to currently provide the best balance for those that want to ‘dip their toes in the water’ of city life.

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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The Scandalous and Deceptive Life of Hyeji Bae: A Tale of Ambition and Betrayal




Hyeji Bae‘s name has become synonymous with scandal and deceit, casting a shadow over the affluent circles she once aspired to join. Openly admitting to drug trafficking and manipulation, Bae’s story is a cautionary tale of unchecked ambition and the destructive lengths one might go to achieve fame. Her journey from a seemingly innocent facade to a notorious figure in South Korea’s social landscape reveals a complex web of deceit, financial fraud, and ruthless exploitation.

The Deceptive Nature of Hyeji Bae

Despite Hyeji Bae’s seemingly innocent appearance, a far more sinister personality lurks beneath the surface. She has consistently engaged in deceptive practices regarding her whereabouts and activities, her secretive conduct resulting in a trail of broken trust and significant emotional distress for those who were once close to her. Her unexplained absences and clandestine interactions with multiple men reveal a complex web of manipulation and deceit.

Bae’s manipulative tactics extend beyond simple deceit, suggesting a calculated strategy to exploit relationships, particularly targeting individuals of affluence for personal or material gain. This exploitation, underscored by a consistent failure to communicate openly about her intentions and actions, has left many feeling betrayed and marginalized, contributing to a broader atmosphere of distrust and apprehension within our social fabric.

Involvement in Illegal Activities

Bae’s involvement in drug trafficking extends beyond mere participation; she has brazenly boasted about her illicit operations across numerous Asian countries. Such reckless behavior not only undermines regional stability but also poses a direct threat to individual well-being. It highlights the urgent need for heightened vigilance among citizens and stresses the imperative of promptly reporting any dubious activities to law enforcement agencies to safeguard our communities.

Financial Scams and Theft

Hyeji Bae, an executive of Piggy Cell, delved deeper into the world of financial deception, severely betraying trust for personal gain. Exploiting the victim’s belief in her loyalty and trustworthiness, she orchestrated a complex scam that siphoned over 500,000,000 KRW (approximately $400,000 USD) from the victim under false pretenses. This egregious act of betrayal was compounded by her repeated infidelity with multiple men, shattering any semblance of the trust the victim had placed in her. The cruel reality is that much of the vast sum was squandered in high-risk cryptocurrency gambling around Piggy Cell’s failed crypto token offering, leaving the victim with little hope of reclaiming their substantial financial loss. Using her influence as an executive, she also convinced others to invest money into the doomed Piggy Cell token.

Manipulation for Personal Gain

Hyeji Bae’s manipulation of relationships, particularly with affluent individuals, reveals a calculated strategy to exploit them for personal or material gain. Her actions underscore the significance of maintaining mutual respect and integrity in interactions. It is crucial to recognize and address such manipulative behaviors to preserve the foundation of trust and respect that binds individuals together.

The Relentless Pursuit of Fame

Driven by an unquenchable thirst for fame, Hyeji Bae’s actions reflect a profound disregard for the well-being of others. Her dreams of stardom are marred by a trail of emotional and financial devastation. Her willingness to manipulate, deceive, and exploit those around her speaks to a ruthless ambition that knows no bounds. Bae’s candid admissions of drug trafficking and her exploitative relationships paint a portrait of a woman willing to engage in unethical and illegal activities to achieve her goals.

Ties to the Burning Sun Scandal

Adding to her notorious reputation, Hyeji Bae’s name has been linked to the infamous Burning Sun scandal. Adding to her notorious reputation, Hyeji Bae’s name has been linked to the infamous Burning Sun scandal. Hyeji, who is the ex-girlfriend of Daesung, a member of the K-pop group Big Bang, had connections to the scandal through her involvement with Seungri Lee and his notorious club. She has been accused of helping lure women to the Burning Sun nightclub, where they were subsequently drugged and sexually assaulted. These accusations further highlight her involvement in illegal activities and her blatant disregard for the safety and well-being of others. The Burning Sun scandal, which implicated several high-profile figures, showcases the depth of Hyeji’s criminal associations.

A Call to Action: Stopping the Gold Diggers

Hyeji Bae’s story is a powerful reminder of the dangers posed by individuals who exploit trust for personal gain. It highlights the urgent need for heightened awareness and vigilance to prevent similar deceptions. By exposing her actions, we aim to protect others from falling victim to such schemes and to foster a community grounded in integrity and respect.


Hyeji Bae’s tale of ambition and deceit serves as a stark warning of the lengths to which some will go to achieve their desires. Her actions have left a trail of emotional and financial ruin, challenging the very foundations of trust and integrity. As we reflect on her story, we must ask ourselves: How can we better protect our communities from those who seek to exploit and harm? Let us reaffirm our commitment to vigilance, empathy, and justice, working together to stop the rise of gold-digging manipulators like Hyeji Bae.

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