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Guide to Converting BTC to XLM Altcoin




XLM’s are an altcoin that is similar to many others, but they are specially attached as an asset of the network. What does this mean? It means that they are another altcoin derived from a blockchain that is similar to some other altcoins, but they were made specifically in order to be a part of the decentralized payment network with the currency that was previously in place by Stellar, which is a nonprofit company. Originally called stellar, they eventually changed the name to stellar lumens, or XLM for short. Just like any other altcoin out there though, they can actually be traded and converted to bitcoin (BTC) at In this guide we’ll give you some tips on how you can do it.

How Much is a Stellar Lumen Worth?

XLM has had numerous applications on what you can use XLM for. For example, Vumi allows you to use Lumens as credits for their phone app that allows you to get minutes of talk time and they are actually fed to your credits as lumens using Stellar.  How much a lumen is actually worth varies, as it rises and falls with the current bitcoin market just about as much.

Stellar recently partnered with IBM and another company in order to make transactions available to other regions of the world, and it’s a lot more detailed information available at their website, but currently depending on what market you choose, one XLM is equal to approximately 850 Bitcoin Satoshi, as of July 23, 2019, which may not seem like much, but they add up. Not only that, but stellar can only be purchased or sold and traded, and since they operate on inflation of the digital currency market, you can rely on their being about a one percent of 100 billion stellars that were originally created every year. The more inflation we have, the more XLM are created.

Is Every Calculator Accurate?

In general, most calculators actually go by a third-party cryptocurrency trading market that they use themselves, so you have to keep in mind that the prices may fluctuate depending on where you go. One website for example may say that they’re worth 855 satoshi, while the other may say that they’re worth 10 satoshi less than this. Therefore, you need a good and accurate market that will find the right amount for you to trade based on the average, and one that is relatively easy to trade on. Many of these exchanges are extremely difficult to operate, let alone the fact that you never know who you’re buying or trading with. There is one company that’s about to change all of that though.


The new social format for trading called is preparing for launch, and they already are putting a system in place so that you can trade BTC with your mobile wallet. You can use altcoins, or convert many of them out there to BTC so you can have all of it in one currency, or you can even help to keep them as they are, so you can exchange them with friends and family, while being extremely secure, and you know who’s going to receive it. They’re working on integrating with social media platforms like Facebook so you can trade cryptocurrency with friends, and even family and loved ones for any reason you’re looking for.

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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Applications of Automation in Research and Clinical Diagnostics




Precision counts in the fields of science and medicine. This is particularly true for the basic task of counting and analyzing cells, which is used in both clinical and research settings. The introduction of automatic cell counters, which provide efficiency and accuracy that manual approaches cannot match, has resulted in a notable advancement in this field.

What is Automated Cell Counting?

Automated cell counters are advanced instruments that are made to precisely and swiftly count and examine cells. In contrast to manual counting methods that rely on human vision and a microscope, automated counters use software algorithms and image technology to count and analyze cells. This ensures more accurate findings by expediting the procedure and lowering the possibility of human error.

Type of Automated Cell Counters

There are several types of automated cell counters used in research and clinical diagnostics, each employing different technologies and methods for cell counting. The main types of automated cell counters include:

Image Cytometers: These devices use optical microscopy to statically image cells, which are frequently labeled to detect certain molecules or provide contrast. Cell counting is aided by the automation of image cytometers made possible by digital cameras.
Flow Cytometers: Use a regulated flow of suspended cells to align individual cells for analysis. Staining cells with fluorochromes enables visual characterization of the cells and facilitates high-throughput analysis.
Cell Sorters: Arrange cells according to their electrical properties. Sorting is accomplished by dividing the fluid stream containing the cells into droplets whose electrical charge varies according to the kind of cell and guiding them into various containers.
Time-Lapse Cytometers: Allow for continuous monitoring of cells in an incubator by employing non-heat-generating light sources, such as LEDs, in conjunction with image cytometry to investigate cellular dynamics without causing damage to living cells.
Hemocytometers: A qualified technician, an optical microscope, and a gridded slide with known volume wells are used in this manual cell counting approach. Up until the 1950s, hemocytometers were the norm for counting cells.

These various types of automated cell counters provide effective and precise methods for cell counting and analysis, each with unique benefits and uses in clinical and research environments.


Automated cell counters have become indispensable tools in understanding cell behavior. They are used in various research fields, including cancer research, drug discovery, and stem cell therapy.

One of the key benefits in research is the ability to handle large volumes of data. For instance, in drug discovery, automated counters can quickly analyze the effects of thousands of compounds on cell growth and death. This high-throughput capability accelerates the pace of research, allowing scientists to screen potential drugs more efficiently than ever before.

Moreover, automated cell counters offer the precision required to detect subtle changes in cell populations. This is crucial in fields like cancer research, where understanding the behavior of cancer cells can lead to the development of more effective treatments.

Clinical Diagnostics

The impact of automated cell counters extends beyond the research laboratory and into clinical diagnostics. In medical laboratories, these devices play a critical role in routine blood tests, infectious disease diagnostics, and monitoring patient health during treatment.

For example, in a routine complete blood count (CBC), automated cell counters can quickly provide a detailed analysis of different blood cell types. This information is vital for diagnosing conditions such as anemia, infections, and blood cancers. The speed and accuracy of automated counters mean that patients can receive diagnoses and begin treatment more swiftly.

In the context of infectious diseases, automated counters can detect and quantify specific pathogens or immune cells, helping to diagnose infections quickly and accurately. During the COVID-19 pandemic, automated cell counting technologies were instrumental in monitoring virus spread and patients’ immune responses, showcasing their value in crisis situations.

Challenges and Future Directions

The initial cost of these devices can be high, and their operation requires specific technical expertise. Additionally, different types of cells and conditions may require customized counting protocols, necessitating ongoing adjustments and updates to software algorithms.


Looking ahead, ongoing advancements in technology promise to further enhance the capabilities of automated cell counters. The global cell counting market growth is anticipated at a CAGR of 7.5% by 2032. Innovations in imaging technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are expected to improve accuracy, speed, and the ability to analyze more complex cell characteristics. As these technologies evolve, automated cell counters will become even more integral to research and diagnostics, opening new avenues for scientific discovery and patient care.

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