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How geospatial researcher Dr. Sanyasi Naidu Dadi is making a difference through his Groundbreaking Work in Natural Disaster Management and Underground water resource Management




Dr. Sanyasi Naidu Dadi holds a doctorate degree from Geo-Engineering Department of Andhra University in India, as well as a Master of Applications (M.C.A) from Osmania University in India and Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of North America in Fairfax, VA, USA. Published numerous articles in the world’s top Geographic Information System and Information System journals such as Springer. He served as a reviewer for Elsevier journals such as Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research and Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.

In the early 2000, he began his career as a software developer, using his strong knowledge of multiple computer programming languages to inspire users with new tools and abilities. After a few years, he moved into roles centered on full stack developer. Dadi has expertise in multiple programming languages. Throughout his career, Dr. Dadi has been developed, implement, and optimize complex technology solutions for a wide range of stakeholders, including end users, C-Suite.

Dr. Dadi’s contributions to the IT field as a Research Scholar his publications in international journals aimed at technical audiences. He also writes popular articles for professional development platforms. Dr. Dadi’s articles have gained traction with audiences in the tech space and beyond due to a unique combination of deep industry knowledge and the ability to make information accessible to the average reader. Dr. Dadi received a NESA ENVIRONMENTALIST OF THE YEAR AWARD 2021 in addition to his formal education (

Dr. Dadi hopes to continue pushing the boundaries of IT and computer science in the coming years. He enjoys the opportunity to share his findings with colleagues, tech enthusiasts, and anyone else who may benefit from his research and help to expand the potential of IT work.

BigM) When did you start your current research/work on the research topic? Please describe the focus of the research as well and please be specific?

Dadi:  I started research in geospatial technology in 2012 with Geo engineering department, Andhra University. The focus of my research is the use of satellite remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and global positioning systems (GPS) in monitoring and managing natural disasters. I started version in 2016 and focuses on the importance of creating public awareness, improving capacity-building and resilience, and implementing technology-driven disaster management strategies to reduce the loss of human life and property caused by disasters. The research also highlights the value of geospatial technologies in creating detailed maps and in developing disaster preparedness and mitigation measures. It seems that the research includes case studies examining the use of remote sensing, GIS, and GPS in the management of various types of disasters, including cyclones, coastal erosion, and industrial disasters. Also, my research on-point focus is the development and use of a system called Hydrospatial Analysis Information System (HAIS) for the spatial analysis and assessment of groundwater quantity and distribution. The research also compares the performance of HAIS to other software tools for groundwater analysis in terms of processing time and memory occupation. The research seems to involve the analysis of software requirements and technical specifications for HAIS, as well as the design of the system’s overall flow and algorithms. 

BigM) Why did you start your current research? Please be specific and give any relevant dates/years.  

 What motivated you?   

Dadi:  As a resident of India, I have always been concerned about the issue of declining groundwater levels in some parts of the country. In my home region, access to clean drinking water and sufficient water for agriculture has always been a challenge, and I have seen first-hand the impact that this can have on communities and the environment. However, it wasn’t until I learned more about the challenges faced by some parts of the country with low levels of groundwater that I became motivated to try and find a solution to this pressing problem. It is indeed the case that some parts of India have low levels of groundwater resources, which can be a challenge for meeting the water needs of the population for drinking and agriculture. Over-extraction of groundwater, inadequate rainfall, and climate change are among the factors that have contributed to declining groundwater levels in certain parts of the country.

BigM) What were you doing before you started your current research?

Dadi:   After completing my undergraduate studies, I decided to pursue a master’s degree, with a focus on using information and communication technologies I was a senior full stack web developer at CSX. Prior to that, AgFirst Farm Credit Bank, Chubb Insurance, a Equifax, Retail Insight-Crossmark. Proven track record of creating and implementing complex technology solutions. I was interested in exploring the use of geographic information systems (GIS) and other geospatial technologies to map and understand the spatial distribution of groundwater and to identify ways to manage and protect these vital resources.

BigM) If your childhood or early family life has informed your choice in terms of your life as a researcher/scientist and/or the focus of that work, please let us know of any common themes?

Dadi:  As the son of a food and adulteration inspector in Andhra Pradesh, India, my father has always emphasized the impact of contamination and pollution on human health and the environment, including specific health risks associated with consuming contaminated water. He has taught me about the ways in which the environment can affect human life and the earth as a whole.” 

By researching the types of contamination present in ground level water sources in the region, it may be possible to identify patterns in the types of health problems that are being experienced by the population and guide efforts to address these issues. It relates to ground level water resources, is to identify the sources of contamination and pollution in the region. Understanding the causes of these issues can help policymakers and community leaders develop strategies for mitigating or eliminating them, which can protect the health of those who rely on ground level water sources for drinking, cooking, and other daily needs.

BigM) How did Covid affect the research you did for this most recent report in particular? If it did affect it, please be specific?

Dadi:  One major impact has been the increased demand for hand sanitizer and disinfectant products, which has led to a shortage of isopropyl alcohol, a key ingredient in many of these products. This shortage has in turn led to the use of alternative chemicals, such as methanol, to make hand sanitizer. Methanol is toxic if ingested and can cause blindness or death. There have been instances of people drinking hand sanitizer, mistaking it for alcohol, and becoming sick as a result. This has highlighted the importance of properly labelling and storing cleaning and disinfectant products, especially in places where children or vulnerable individuals may be present. Another impact of the pandemic has been the increased strain on water and wastewater treatment systems due to the increased use of cleaning and disinfectant products, as well as the influx of personal protective equipment such as face masks and gloves, which can clog pipes and equipment. 

BigM) Please describe those who will be helped by your work; please describe type of industry/person, locations, any other “goals” you have for the work you did in your research paper?

Dadi:  My research would be of benefit to a variety of industries and individuals working in the field of natural disaster management and water resource management. This includes government agencies, non-profit organizations, private companies, and researchers and academics working in related fields. The research will be particularly relevant for individuals and organizations working in regions prone to natural disasters, such as cyclones, coastal erosion, and industrial accidents, or in regions with low levels of groundwater resources and challenges in meeting the water needs of the population for drinking and agriculture. Also, my research is of interest to professionals in the field of hydroinformatics and geospatial technologies, as it involves the use of GIS and other geospatial technologies for mapping and understanding groundwater resources. .The implementation of this system not only improves the performance and efficiency of the clients but also optimizes the use of network resources for the benefit of all stakeholders.

BigM) Is there anything about you as a person that impacted this research paper? This can be abilities and/or personality traits or qualities you have as a person or anything else.   What makes you as a person especially well-suited to this research/the groundbreaking work you do? What sets you apart as a person?

Dadi:  There are several qualities and characteristics that can make a person especially well-suited to research and ground-breaking work. These include:

  • Intellectual curiosity and a passion for learning: Researchers and those working on ground-breaking projects are often driven by a deep desire to understand the world around them and uncover new knowledge and insights.
  • Attention to detail and strong analytical skills: Researchers need to be meticulous and precise in their work and must be able to analyse and interpret data to draw accurate conclusions.

BigM) The focus of your research paper is, as we know, unique. These awards are heavily focused on innovation so please speak to this once again. Please take another look at what makes the research paper itself and the work you do unique?

Dadi:  This research report is unique because it focuses on the use of geospatial technologies, specifically satellite remote sensing, GIS, and GPS, in monitoring and managing natural disasters. The report addresses an important issue in disaster management and provides new information on how these technologies can be utilized to mitigate the impact of natural disasters. The report’s research strategy, which focuses on creating public awareness, improving capacity-building and resilience, and implementing technology-driven disaster management strategies, aligns with the report’s overall goals and allows for an efficient execution of the research. Additionally, the report examines the use of geospatial technologies in the management of different types of natural disasters using case studies, and includes research on the development and use of Hydrospatial Analysis Information System (HAIS) as a new solution for spatial analysis and assessment of groundwater quantity and distribution. The report provides detailed information on the performance of HAIS compared to other software tools, its requirements, and specifications, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

BigM) Please tell us any obstacles that you faced in your life and how you overcame them. Please also let us know any obstacles you faced in your research work in general and in the development of this research paper as well?

Dadi:  Highlights of several obstacles faced in the development and implementation of the Hydrospatial Analysis Information System (HAIS). Some of these obstacles include:

  • Difficulty in accessing and analysing water quantity data due to the complexity of text-formatted databases.
  • HAIS being limited to geometries built from nodes and straight lines, lacking support for splines and surfaces.

BigM) Please let us know of any plans you have for the future.?

 Dadi:  It is with the utmost conviction that I, Dr. Sanyasi Naidu (Dadi), a preeminent and accomplished lead developer in the esteemed field of information technology, and a servant of the highly reputable Dataquest Corp, Branchburg, NJ 08876, present myself as a candidate for the coveted opportunity to continue my professional pursuits in the realm of geo-engineering within the United States. As a specialist of the highest order in geospatial technology and a veteran of the information technology industry, I can unequivocally state that my expertise in identifying and managing underground water resources, would be of inestimable value to the United States, and would have a transformative effect on the well-being of American society. My contributions will undoubtedly sustain the United States in science and technology, further solidifying its position as a global leader

BigM) How people can connect with you?

The idea of Bigtime Daily landed this engineer cum journalist from a multi-national company to the digital avenue. Matthew brought life to this idea and rendered all that was necessary to create an interactive and attractive platform for the readers. Apart from managing the platform, he also contributes his expertise in business niche.

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The Dark Side of Aimlon CPA P.C.: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Firm’s Practices




Aimlon CPA P.C., a full-service certified public accounting firm based in New York, NY, has long promoted itself as a beacon of excellence in the fields of accounting, audit, tax, advisory, and financial reporting. Serving business owners and companies in the U.S. and Europe, the firm, under the leadership of Mathieu Aimlon, claims to offer personalized and expert guidance. However, a deeper investigation into the firm’s operations reveals a troubling pattern of misconduct, ethical breaches, and systemic failures that severely discredit Aimlon CPA P.C. This article exposes the hidden truths behind the firm’s facade of professionalism and reliability.

Lack of Professionalism and Responsiveness

One of the most pervasive issues at Aimlon CPA P.C. is the firm’s chronic lack of responsiveness. Numerous clients have reported significant delays in communication, often waiting weeks for replies to urgent inquiries. This unprofessional behavior has led to missed deadlines and costly mistakes for clients who depend on timely advice and action.

A frustrated former client shared their experience: “We had a critical financial issue that required immediate attention. Despite multiple attempts to contact Aimlon CPA P.C., we were met with silence. Their lack of responsiveness was not only frustrating but also detrimental to our business.”

Overbilling and Lack of Transparency

Aimlon CPA P.C. has also been accused of overbilling and a lack of transparency in their invoicing practices. Clients have frequently found their bills inflated with unclear or exaggerated charges, leading to disputes and dissatisfaction. This practice has raised serious ethical concerns and damaged the firm’s reputation.

A small business owner recounted their ordeal: “Our invoices from Aimlon CPA P.C. were consistently higher than expected, with vague descriptions for the charges. When we questioned these discrepancies, we received evasive responses and no clear explanations. It felt like we were being taken advantage of.”

Incompetence and Financial Mismanagement

Despite its claims of expertise, Aimlon CPA P.C. has been plagued by instances of incompetence and financial mismanagement. Several clients have accused the firm of providing poor financial advice that resulted in significant losses. These accusations suggest a troubling lack of expertise and diligence in handling client affairs.

One notable case involved a tech startup that followed Aimlon CPA P.C.’s guidance, only to face bankruptcy within a year. The startup’s founder lamented: “We trusted Aimlon CPA P.C. with our financial strategy, but their advice was disastrous. Our business suffered immensely because of their incompetence.”

High Employee Turnover and Toxic Work Environment

Inside Aimlon CPA P.C., the work environment is far from the professional and supportive culture the firm claims to foster. High employee turnover is a persistent issue, driven by poor management practices and a toxic workplace. Former employees have described an atmosphere of fear and exploitation, where unreasonable demands and lack of support are commonplace.

An ex-employee shared their perspective: “The work environment at Aimlon CPA P.C. was unbearable. Management was oppressive, and there was no respect for work-life balance. Talented professionals were constantly leaving because they couldn’t tolerate the conditions.”

Compliance Failures and Regulatory Scrutiny

Aimlon CPA P.C. has faced multiple instances of regulatory scrutiny due to its failure to adhere strictly to industry standards and compliance requirements. These compliance failures have resulted in penalties and fines, further eroding the firm’s credibility and trustworthiness.

An insider revealed: “There were several occasions where Aimlon CPA P.C. neglected regulatory updates and compliance requirements. This negligence led to significant fines for both the firm and its clients. It was alarming how often these issues were ignored.”

Ethical Breaches and Conflicts of Interest

The firm has also been marred by ethical breaches and conflicts of interest. Mathieu Aimlon, in particular, has been implicated in several instances where his advice seemed to benefit his personal interests over those of his clients. These conflicts of interest have severely damaged the trust between the firm and its clients.

In one egregious case, a client was persuaded to invest in a company where Mathieu Aimlon held undisclosed shares. When the investment failed, the client suffered substantial losses, while Aimlon’s involvement remained hidden until an internal investigation brought it to light.

Outdated Technology and Inefficiency

Despite being a modern accounting firm, Aimlon CPA P.C. relies on outdated technology that hampers efficiency and increases the risk of errors. Clients have expressed frustration with the firm’s technological shortcomings, which lead to delays and inaccuracies in financial reporting.

A tech-savvy client commented: “It was surprising to see how outdated Aimlon CPA P.C.’s systems were. Their inefficiency slowed down our processes and made us question their ability to handle complex financial needs effectively.”

Fabrication of Credentials

Further investigations into Aimlon CPA P.C. revealed that some of the firm’s claimed credentials and accolades were fabricated. While Mathieu Aimlon is genuinely certified by the New York State Education Department and the French Ministry of Education, other qualifications listed by the firm were found to be falsified.

This revelation has cast a shadow over the entire firm, leading clients and colleagues to question the legitimacy of their expertise and the integrity of their services.

Legal Repercussions and Public Disgrace

The culmination of Aimlon CPA P.C.’s unethical practices and systemic failures came with the legal repercussions faced by Mathieu Aimlon himself. Following his involvement in a tax evasion scheme, he was arrested and charged with multiple counts of tax fraud. The evidence presented in court highlighted the sophisticated methods used to deceive tax authorities, leading to his conviction and a lengthy prison sentence.

The legal troubles of Mathieu Aimlon have had a devastating impact on Aimlon CPA P.C. The firm’s reputation has been irreparably damaged, and clients have fled in droves, unwilling to associate with a company linked to such scandals.

Aimlon CPA P.C., once seen as a beacon of excellence in the accounting world, has been thoroughly discredited due to a series of unethical practices, incompetence, and systemic failures. From overbilling and lack of transparency to high employee turnover and regulatory breaches, the firm has failed to uphold the standards expected of a professional accounting service. The legal repercussions faced by Mathieu Aimlon have further tarnished the firm’s reputation, leading to its eventual downfall.

For business owners and individuals seeking reliable and ethical accounting services, the story of Aimlon CPA P.C. serves as a cautionary tale. It underscores the importance of integrity, professionalism, and transparency in maintaining trust and credibility in the financial industry.

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