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How to Represent the Unseen: Photographer Fadia Ahmad Captures the Essence of Unconditional Love




Love makes life worth living. It inspires us, lifts us up, binds us together, and gives us hope for a better tomorrow. Capturing the essence of love, however, can prove quite the difficult task. This challenge: understanding, visually at least, the true nature of that emotion most core to the human experience, constitutes the primary motivation for two of Lebanese photographer and filmmaker Fadia Ahmad’s many series, Unconditional and Motherhood.

Unconditional portrays the romantic love of couples in its many stages through life. Photographs of partners both young and old work together to tell a story of the ways in which romantic love evolves over time. Subjects sit together on benches in moments of stillness and pause. They lean on one another, look away, or hold hands. Ahmad succeeds in framing the subjects in such a way as to capture the ineffable qualities of each of their greatly varied dynamics. Each piece in the series voices something unique, collectively contributing to a conversation without end. Love can be supportive; it can emerge through closeness or touch, but love can, at times, also take the form of a comfort that allows for silence and contemplation. 

More than anything, perhaps, Ahmad’s Unconditional reminds the viewer that love can, with the right nurture and perseverance, last. Ultimately, it is a challenge, bringing with daily struggles and obstacles that must be overcome for the sake of its preservation. From its first inception to its final breaths, romantic love, that love between partners that so many of us aspire to attain, endures as something that can never fully be understood. Ahmad’s timeless series, however, delivers something close.

It should be noted, as well, that love possesses the unique ability to seep into every aspect of life, taking many forms outside of the context of romance. Ahmad’s Motherhood prompts the viewer to consider this. 

The bond between mothers and their children has stood as a universally treasured hallmark in nearly every culture of the world for nearly all of time. In Motherhood, Ahmad succeeds in capturing the many faces of mothers’ love, going so far as to include powerful imagery of primates and their infant children. These pieces in particular invoke something that transcends human experience, all the while demonstrating the truly primal essence of the bond between mother and child.

In conjunction with one another, Ahmad’s Unconditional and Motherhood series reconcile with the many meanings and forms that love takes, where it starts, where it begins, and the boundless lessons it teaches along the way.

To learn more about Fadia Ahmad and her work, visit 

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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Veterans Care Coordination Outlines 10 Ways to Honor Senior Service Members




Honoring senior veterans is a meaningful way to acknowledge their service and sacrifices for the country.While there are many different ways to honor those who have served their country, Veterans Care Coordination (VCC) – a company that helps senior Veterans apply for home care services, has outlined 10 of the most effective ways to show appreciation and respect to older servicemembers in our communities.

1. Attend Veteran Ceremonies and Events: Participate in local veteran ceremonies, parades, and events, especially on days like Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Your presence demonstrates respect and recognition for their contributions.

2. Volunteer for Veteran Organizations: Many organizations that support veterans need volunteers. Offer your time to help with events, administrative tasks, or outreach programs that benefit senior veterans.

3. Visit Veteran Homes and Hospitals: Spend time with veterans in homes and hospitals. Many senior veterans, especially those in long-term care, appreciate visits  and the opportunity to share their stories.

4. Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about the history, challenges, and contributions of veterans. Educate others by organizing or participating in community talks, school projects, or social media campaigns.

5. Support Veteran-Owned Businesses: Patronize businesses owned by veterans. This economic support helps veteran entrepreneurs and shows appreciation for their continued contributions to the community.

6. Create a Community Project: Initiate projects that specifically benefit senior veterans, such as building wheelchair ramps for disabled veterans or organizing social events that cater to their interests and needs.

7. Offer Your Skills and Services: If you have special skills or services, offer them to senior veterans. This could include legal advice, home repairs, medical care, or technological assistance.

8. Donate to Veteran Charities: Financial contributions to reputable organizations supporting veterans can make a significant impact. These donations often go toward programs that improve the quality of life for senior veterans.

9. Write Letters or Cards: Sending personalized letters, cards, or care packages to Senior veterans, particularly those without close family, can brighten their day and make them feel valued and remembered.

10. Advocate for Veteran Rights and Benefits: Be an advocate for veteran rights and benefits, ensuring they receive the support and recognition they deserve. This can involve supporting legislation, participating in advocacy groups, or simply spreading awareness of the issues facing senior veterans.

By implementing these actions, individuals and communities can honor senior veterans in meaningful ways, showing gratitude for their service and ensuring they are respected and remembered.

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