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Why Accidents Involving Self-Driving Cars Are So Complex




The last two decades have seen technological advancements and innovations improve tremendously. Technologies like video calling and driverless cars, which were only possible in Sci-Fi movies, are now a reality. 

Unlike some other technology faults, driverless car errors can be a matter of life and death. While there is no doubt that driverless cars are the future of driving, a lot still needs to be done before the technology can be considered safe.

They May Not Be As Safe

In the past few years, there have been several stories about vehicles on autopilot causing an accident. Some of these situations would be easily avoidable for a human driver, bringing to question the safety of autonomous features. While accidents involving cars on autopilot usually result in less severe injuries than driver-operated vehicles, a recent study shows that their rate of getting into an accident is slightly higher. 

On average, there are 4.1 crashes per 1 million miles traveled for driver-operated vehicles compared to 9.1 per 1 million miles traveled for vehicles with autonomous driving features.

Misleading Terminologies

Currently, there isn’t much regulation on autonomous driving allowances. Most autonomous car makers capitalize on the loopholes in the law to create misleading terminologies regarding vehicles’ capabilities, making determining liability a complex issue. 

For example, Tesla refers to its advanced driver-assist feature as autopilot, which drivers can interpret as entirely autonomous. On its website, Tesla states that autopilot is an advanced driver assist feature meant to complement perceptive human drivers, not replace them. Unfortunately, many semi-autonomous car drivers get a sense of false security from the misleading terminology, resulting in devastating accidents. 

Accidents that happen under such circumstances can result in Tesla having liability. Recently, a court in Germany found the “autopilot” tag on tesla vehicles misleading. This means that Tesla could be liable for damages resulting from reliance on the feature. 

Technology Malfunction

Autonomous car makers could also be liable for an accident if a malfunction in their system causes an accident. Malfunctions can result from system failure or even cyber-attacks. 

In 2015, a planned hacking test was conducted on a Jeep. Surprisingly, the hackers were able to access the jeep remotely and stop it while traveling at 70 mph. Accidents that result from system hacking could see car manufacturers having liability because system hacks are outside the driver’s control. 

Driver Liability

In January of 2022, a 27-year-old Tesla driver was charged with vehicular manslaughter for hitting and killing two occupants of a Honda Civic at an intersection while on autopilot. This case marked the first time an American was facing criminal charges for autopilot-related accidents, which could set precedence for future accidents involving autopilot features. 

“Autopilot cannot and should not replace attentive driving,” says car accident attorney Amy Gaiennie. “All drivers should keep their attention on the road and only use any self-driving assistive technology to complement their safe driving practices.”

According to the NHTSA, vehicle control lies with the driver irrespective of how sophisticated its technology is. This means that accidents that result from a driver not playing their part in operating the vehicle can see the motorist carrying liability for the accident.

As it stands, vehicles cannot be considered entirely autonomous, but technology is headed there fast. But until then, the driver must play a significant role in operating a vehicle failure to which they could be liable for damages. 

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Hiring the Right Personal Injury Lawyer




Are you dealing with injuries, loss of income, and hefty medical bills because of an accident that was not your fault? If yes, you need the services of an excellent personal injury lawyer. But how do you determine if a lawyer is a perfect match for your personal injury case when you have so many options? This step-by-step guide aims to teach you the critical steps to hiring the best personal injury lawyer in your state.

1. Know Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney

Typically, you must hire the right personal injury lawyer if you are pursuing a lawsuit for personal injury. As defined on Forbes, a personal injury lawsuit is a civil action that an injured person takes against a person or company responsible for an accident that resulted in injuries. 

For instance, you get into a car crash or slip and fall incident in the workplace because of someone else’s fault. You can sue the party responsible for injuries, lost wages, medical bills, and mental anguish. 

But there are instances you may not need a personal injury attorney despite being in an accident. For example, a minor fender bender where no one sustained injuries or had their property damaged is easy to resolve without involving lawyers. So, after an accident, evaluate the damages incurred. If they are severe, search for a personal injury attorney.

2. Do Extensive Research

Where do I begin my search? Referrals are valuable because you can ask specific questions regarding the lawyer’s communication style, availability, litigation experience, and fee structure. So, ask family and friends to recommend someone they have worked with. Search for attorneys in your area online if you need referrals. You can type a simple search query like ‘personal injury attorney near me’ on Google. Alternatively, look for a lawyer through online directories. 

3. Schedule Free Consultations

You want to know what a personal injury lawyer will do for you. Therefore, schedule a free consultation meeting and ask questions like:

  • What will you prioritize in my case? 

The right attorney will focus on getting justice and fair compensation to ensure your stress-free recovery. Communication should also be a top priority. The lawyer should communicate with you using simple terms to help you understand your legal rights. More importantly, they should update you about the case progress on time. 

  • Do you have experience handling cases like mine? 

As lawyers at Cohen, Feeley, Altemose & Rambo law firm mention, experienced personal injury attorneys will guide you through the legal process. Even more interesting, they will handle negotiations on your behalf to safeguard your rights. So, make sure your lawyer has experience in personal injury law. 

It would be better if they had specialized experience handling cases like yours. For example, if you are pursuing a truck accident lawsuit, you will want a personal injury lawyer with expertise in dealing with trucking accident claims. 

  • What is the value of my personal injury claim?

After evaluating your case, a skilled attorney should tell you the worth of your personal injury claim. What you should be cautious of are unrealistic estimates and guarantees. There are no assurances in personal injury claims. If a lawyer promises a higher settlement that sounds too good to be true, do not fall for it because they are lying. 

  • How much are your legal fees? 

Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee arrangement. Based on Cornell Law School, a contingent fee structure allows lawyers to receive a certain percentage of the total settlement value a client wins. As a result, you do not pay your legal representative any upfront fee. 

4. Check Testimonials 

Aside from experience, work with a trustworthy and reputable attorney. You can quickly determine a lawyer has an outstanding reputation by reading testimonials from past clients. 

Find out if the clients feel happy about the outcomes of their case. How about the style of communication? Does the lawyer explain legal terms in simple language? 

A reputable lawyer will receive positive feedback from clients and respect from peers. Also, check with your local bar association to ensure your preferred lawyer doesn’t have disciplinary actions against them. 

5. Select Your Lawyer

At this point, comfort matters a lot. Do not choose a lawyer you feel uncomfortable discussing your legal issues with. Also, ensure they have the experience and resources to win your personal injury claim. Equally important, they should have an excellent reputation. 


When you are a victim of an accident that someone else caused out of negligence, you need to seek justice and compensation for your injuries. There is only one way to achieve these goals. You must work with the best lawyer to pursue a personal injury claim. True, choosing the right one can be challenging. But you can make an informed decision if you follow this step-by-step guide to hiring the right personal injury lawyer. 

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