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Why your website should always have DDoS protection




Over the past decade, websites have become increasingly important for businesses. In fact, businesses without a website often find it difficult to grow outside of their local customers. A website can help businesses reach a greater demographic and number of customers. In some cases, websites can go global and reach millions of customers around the world.

Since a website will be dealing with such a large number of customers, its security becomes a prime necessity. A website that isn’t safe to use will almost certainly be a target for cyberattacks. Cyberattacks can cripple websites and make business websites vulnerable and unsafe for customers.

Maintaining a safe website is very important. Many businesses have lost customers because they weren’t able to maintain the security of their websites. There are various ways to create a safe website. The easiest is to comply with HTTPS. However, most modern websites automatically comply with these rules.

HTTPS is not perfect. It does make your website secure, but your website is still vulnerable to cyber-attacks. One of these attacks is DDoS. DDoS attacks can completely cripple your website and put your user’s sensitive information at risk. In this article, we will discuss what DDoS attacks are and how DDoS protection will help you protect your website.

What is a DDoS attack?

A Distributed Denial of Service attack is a malicious attack that attempts to disrupt the normal working of a server by overwhelming it. In simple terms, a DDoS attack aims to cripple your website’s server and overwhelm it by flooding it with fake Internet traffic sent across from hacked devices. These devices are unsuspecting computers with botnets installed that can send out thousands of server requests every second with the aim to cripple your perfectly fine website.

How do DDoS attacks work?

To pull off a DDoS attack, the attacker infects internet-connected devices with malware that can remotely be controlled by them. They then use these malware to send multiple requests to a particular website’s server, slowing it down and, in severe cases crippling the website.

Since DDoS attacks are carried out through malware on random remote computers, it is near impossible to locate the source of these attacks as they disguise themselves as normal traffic. However, there are some ways you can detect if you are being targeted by DDoS attacks.

The simplest way is through traffic analytics tools. These are some telltale signs that you are being targeted:

  • Abnormal traffic surge
  • A lot of traffic originating from the same IP address or range
  • Unexplained traffic surges on particular web pages
  • Unnatural traffic patterns; for example, traffic surges every 15 minutes

Protecting against DDoS attacks

DDoS protection is very important for a business website. Business websites often deal with a lot of sensitive information from their customers. If afflicted with a DDoS attack, a website can be weakened and can even stop working.

The main goal of DDoS attacks is to cripple your user’s access. It is really harmful to your customers’ user experience. When your website server gets hit with a DDoS, it is also vulnerable to other attacks, and DDoS is often the entry point for other incriminating attacks that can be used to steal user information.

It is crucial that business websites are protected against DDoS attacks. DDoS attacks also target the mission-critical business applications that your organization relies on to manage daily operations, such as email, salesforce automation, CRM, and many others. Additionally, other industries, such as manufacturing, pharma and healthcare, have internal web properties that the supply chain, and other business partners rely on for daily business operations.

Here’s how you can protect against DDoS attacks:

  1. Know your audience: Use traffic analysis tools and learn the traffic patterns around your website. Know where your visitors are from and know what times they usually use your website.

  2. Have a cybersecurity team in place: Keep a team ready to respond to DDoS or other cyber attacks to protect your website. Treat DDoS attacks as catastrophic incidents and be prepared for them at all times.

  3. Security measures: Restrict access to your servers for everyone except the people working with them. Even on your website, keep access restricted to non-administrators.

  4. Use CDNs: For business websites with worldwide clients, a CDN is a great way to mitigate a DDoS attack. CDNs cache your websites on localized servers, limiting damage to the geographical source of DDoS attacks and protecting your main server automatically.

  5. Understand the warning signs: DDoS attacks have certain symptoms. The erratic traffic pattern, network slowdown, increased load times, unexplained shutdown, etc. are dead giveaways for DDoS attacks. Use these warning signs in case you are being attacked and shut down the source asap.

If you are a small business, try creating your website with a reputable website building software. Website building software often have built-in DDoS security measures and CDNs that automatically protect your website from such cyber attacks.

The good news is that DDoS attacks form a significant part of all cyber attacks. Almost 60% of cyber attacks are usually attempted Distributed Denial of service attacks meaning that your cybersecurity becomes significantly easier if you can protect against DDoS attacks.

Summing up

DDoS attacks are a significant threat for a business website. It is even more significant if your business is in the financial industry. Between 2017 and 2019, 40% of all financial institutions were hit by DDoS attacks.

They survived because they had planned DDoS protection as a part of their disaster mitigation planning. The second most common targets for DDoS attacks are online eCommerce stores and more. Both financial and eCommerce websites tend to deal with a customer’s critical financial information.

An unprotected website would crumple under a powerful DDoS attack and might end up losing crucial customer data. Protect your website with DDoS and keep your customer’s information safe and never lose your website traffic. Get on with it today!

From television to the internet platform, Jonathan switched his journey in digital media with Bigtime Daily. He served as a journalist for popular news channels and currently contributes his experience for Bigtime Daily by writing about the tech domain.

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Resist Temptation and Get More Productive With Website and App Blockers




From reading the latest news to looking for your next big vacation (or being captivated by social media), the Internet has become a massive landscape of diverse content. With the digital world filled with countless distractions, resisting temptation and being able to focus has become more and more difficult. The development of website and app blockers provides a simple solution to avoid scooting down portal pathways that hinder productivity and, sometimes, lead to negative consequences. 

As a worldwide societal phenomenon, the Internet is rapidly evolving, with entire economies and personal relationships relying on the web. A website and app blocker intentionally restricts access to specific internet sites and apps through software programs. Website and app blocker software can be downloaded as add-ons or extensions for browsers, like website blocking on Chrome. Such blocking can include programs that assist in URL-based blocking, Platform-based blocking—specifically when using search engines, and Domain Name Systems blocking, which all make it difficult to access specified domains and websites on the Internet. 

Many website and app blockers allow you to enter websites and apps that you want to restrict access to for a certain time period throughout the day or a certain length of time. This can be helpful to those who need to focus on studying but keep falling into temptation’s trap, straying away from what needs to be done to engage in unnecessary Google searches or scrolling through Instagram posts. 

However, there are website and app blockers that can permanently restrict access to specified sites and apps. With potentially crucial reasons to restrict access to Internet content, blocking software could improve daily lives. Those struggling with shopping addiction or facing negative consequences at work for an inability to remain focused may find website and app blockers incredibly beneficial. 

Website and app blocking isn’t confined to personal, individual use. It has become a rising trend for many governments to utilize this software when blocking illegal content. Yet, the software can also help parents, guardians, and other family and friends block access to harmful content and inappropriate material for children. 

By restricting access to certain websites or apps, you allow yourself to build new and more productive habits, or keep yourself and your kids safe. Through establishing “forced focus” times for yourself, concentrating solely on your work or tasks at hand becomes easier. Protectivity has many proven benefits. Committing to what needs to be done can help build your self-worth, creating a feeling of accomplishment that is good for your mood. Even if the things you need to focus on and get done are smaller tasks in nature, accomplishing your daily tasks can help ward off excessive stress and anxiety, as well as depression.

NetNanny, BlockSite, and Surfblocker as some of the most effective website and app blocking software. BlockSite is a blocking software used globally by millions of people, and it provides relief from temptation by temporarily blocking websites and apps, so you can focus, be productive, and build self-control habits. 

Whether you are trying to keep yourself in check or your family safe, website and app-blocking software limits screen time while providing customization to users that help tailor usage to individual needs. 

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