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BREAKING: 7 Popular Websites With Bad Design




Since the 1990s, the time machine of the Internet has already come a long way. Web designing has been a phenomenon. It has since then become an indispensable element for entrepreneurs to bring their business to the top. And at present, no business organization can thrive and prosper without representing its brand on the web. That means the necessity of a website is evident. If you are a business owner, of course, you should always consider hiring a web design company which can help you in designing and creating a converting biz website. 

In this blog post, you will know the popular websites with bad design. Why should you know them? The main answer lies in the fact that you have to avoid having a poorly designed site. This is not good for your business operation. If you want to be successful when it comes to your company and brand, you need to make sure that your site is able to perform well. That is why knowing those companies with bad websites is significant.

Importance of website design

Before divulging the 7 popular companies with bad website design, it is deemed appropriate to discuss the importance of website design. Is website design really important as far as business growth and success is concerned? The answer is yes. Did you know that 66% among website users usually patronize products or services being sold by a beautiful website? This is a fact, not a hoax. That said, it is really significant to ensure that your site is designed in an enticing and beautiful way. Otherwise, it can never catch the attention of the target customers. 

A beautifully designed biz site usually pays off after a period of time. Let’s say, after 6 months, your business can have the return on investment (ROI). Making sure that your website is pretty looking is one of the basic strategies you must not take for granted. Once your site looks great, it can entice and engage more potential customers. Remember that in business, it is necessary to attract lots of people. This is one of the huge factors why you have to understand the essence of website design. 

Keep in mind that a business website usually sets the first impression. Whatever people will see will actually linger on their mind. So, to get the nod or positive impression, it is advised that you will hire a credible website design agency and let them work for you on the aspect of creating an awesome and outstanding business website. It is through this way where you can elevate the chance of your business to go to the next level. Take note that most web users will judge a website within 5 to 10 seconds. Hence, it is vital that your site is pretty and nice. 

A greatly designed website is also important for ranking purposes. Why so? The different algorithms of the search engines nowadays are filtering websites based on aesthetic value. The point is it is suggested by digital marketing experts that every business website can have enticing and luring visual content. At the same time, the content structure and arrangement must be in accordance with what the potential customers are looking for. In other words, a pretty appearing website is vital for search engine optimization (SEO), one of the fundamental strategies to boost website ranking. 

Popular websites with bad design

The discussion about the importance of web design was already given in the above-mentioned context. Let us now go to the bottom line of this article. You have to know the known companies with bad web design to enlighten your mind. Also explained below are the reasons why those companies have a bad website. Through this way, you will be enlightened and you will surely know how to make your site appealing and enticing to the audience. 


First on the list is ZARA. Why is this company having bad web design? If you look at the design of this company’s website, you will see that the navigation is unconventional. There is a sense of difficulty for the users of this company’s site when it comes to navigating the listed products. Shopping online must come handy and easy. However, this website is not friendly and responsive to the needs of the customers. If you look at the company’s homepage, you can see that the textual content is not friendly. The texts are so small. Remember that for a business website to become great, the visuals should be responsive to the needs of the users. 

Moreover, the navigation menu is also not friendly to the users of the site. Giving the users the luxury of comfort and convenience is important for success. However, this is not evident in this company’s website. Thus, the customers are left alone, having an unclear thought on what they should do next. Plus, the fact that the mobile version of this company’s website is not that great. In short, the company’s site is not mobile-friendly. If you want to help your company attain success through online marketing, make sure that your site’s mobile version is pretty great. 

2. Arngren

This is second on this article’s list of companies with bad web design. Why is the website of Arngren included in this list? Try to check the company’s site which link was already given in the preceding sentence. How are you going to assess and evaluate the site? You can see the clutter and mess. The content structure and overall design are not really good for the naked eye. A business website must have proper structuring when it comes to its content. The information to be given for the users to utilize must be arranged and designed properly. 

There are no empty spaces on the main homepage. Take note that one of the most important features of a great website is the orderliness of the homepage. This is a cornerstone page. That said, a particular website has to attract the users based on the content and overall design to be found on this page. When this page is messy and cluttering, there is a great tendency that the interest of the users in the business will be lost. Of course, if you are the concerned business owner, you do not want this to happen, do you? So, do not let your website be an eyesore to the users. 

3. Pacific Northwest X-Ray Inc.

This is another company whose website is not that great. The design of the site needs improvement and enhancement. Pacific Northwest X-Ray Inc.’s website is so messy like the first two stated above. The URL is a shortened one, which is good; but the design itself is not that friendly (which is supposedly required). The users will have a headache when seeing the homepage’s content structure. The theme of the overall design by the way is bland and outdated. Nobody will be interested to search for the products to be found in this site because of its outdated and unexciting website theme.

To add more facts, the navigation menu of this company’s site is unresponsive to the need of the users for a great navigation menu. It is difficult to find out what to do next based on the site’s visible homepage. Why so? The texts are unfriendly, and, at the same time, the textual content is really hard to understand. After the first glance, nobody will keep his or her interest in this website. That said, it can be surmised that this company’s website is plainly a disaster. It has to be enhanced for the company to reap great results thereafter.

4. Wayfair

This is the fourth website which does have a great design. Wayfair’s website is a search engine for people who are looking for great home items. Unlike Amazon and eBay, this company is focusing just on home products in the categories of kitchen, drawers, lighting, appliances, rugs, bedding and bath, among others. They also have outdoor items such as patio furniture, outdoor decor, garden products, among other outdoor products.

The problem with this company’s site is that its homepage is not friendly to the eyes of the users. The designer of this website is trying to use almost all spaces in every web page. In short, there is a lack of visual hierarchy. To visualize your offers effectively, you have to arrange it according to the value and degree of importance of the content. This is quite important in order to bring out more intense features which will attract the users. The different website elements are not arranged properly. This is the main reason why people will lose their interest in this company’s website.

Instead of attracting the users to do the necessary action like clicking on the “Purchase Button” in a particular listing, they will have the tendency of leaving the site. They will instead look for a new site that has a great looking design. The visual elements are not arranged pretty well, plus the fact that the visuals are not attractive based on the chosen colors and icons. This is the most important strategy which you should not take for granted. For your site to become catchy and engaging, you have to prioritize visual hierarchy. 

5. Lings Car

The fifth on the list – Lings Car. Click on the website and you will find out that it has a messy website homepage. This is a car leasing company that offers quality and affordable cars and other fun stuff. However, there is a problem as you look at the company’s site. Instead of expecting that the site is created in a beautiful and pretty way, you can see a site that does not have proper arrangement. A website should supposedly act as a communication platform between the users and the business website itself. You cannot find this aspect in this company’s site. 

The clear factors why this site has to be enhanced are: (1) It does not have any grid; (2) It does not have a proper navigational menu; (3) The used colors are not friendly and proper; and (4) The used images are not friendly at all. Remember that the visuals of every business website must be looking great. Otherwise, the company itself will lose the full potential of its business to attract and lure more potential customers. The areas which must be improved in this company’s website are the navigational buttons, the proper use of attractive images and texts, as well as color combination.

6. Cosmoplanes 

This is the 6th in this blog article. Cosmoplanes is a social media and marketplace digital platform. According to some website experts, this website is not designed by a professional web designer. Why so? If you look at it, there is nothing on the website which you can find professional and good-looking. There is no proper distancing and the empty spaces (whitespaces) are not properly utilized. Remember that you should use negative spaces for the purpose of providing ease and comfort to all website users. In the case of this website, the said spaces are improperly used. 

Try to imagine that the company’s logo almost eats up the whole screen. This is not great at all. It needs to be improved and enhanced. Furthermore, the menu itself is not designed in a way that it can attract the users. As such, the overall design is poor. If you are a business person who wants to earn more money out of your website, you should avoid having a design like the design of this company’s site. It will, in any possible way, not bring your business to the top.

7. Madewell

This is the last popular website with bad design that is going to be explained concisely in this blog post. Madewell has an unclear mobile navigation. This is the main factor why this company’s website is considered poor and unfriendly. It is quite challenging to create an attractive website, Considering the users of mobile devices is a rule of thumb. It simply means when a website is not friendly to mobile users, it will lead to the decrease in the number of people who may come and visit such a website. This is what happened to this company’s site. 

The main site’s interface must be decluttered more particularly for those people who are using smartphones and any other smart devices. All information that every user might need should be evident, most especially on the homepage. Why? Because this is the most important internal page to attract the target users (potential customers). So, do not let your website lack the key features which will play a crucial role in terms of customer engagement and boosting of brand identity level.

Wrapping up: Create a greatly designed website! 

If you are a business owner who wants to bring your company and brand to the top, avoid the mistakes being committed by the owners and designers of the mentioned websites above. Make sure that your website will have power and authority to attract and influence potential leads (users). When the users are influenced positively, it means your business will be able to increase the conversion rates. More people will be ignited to patronize your brand. Why? Because they love and embrace your website. Every time they may need a solution, the first website to pop out of their mind is yours.

So, make sure that your website does have proper visual hierarchy, mobile friendliness features, attractive visuals, and, above all, great color usage and converting texts. All these things should be evident if you want your business to stand out from the rest of the crowd.

The idea of Bigtime Daily landed this engineer cum journalist from a multi-national company to the digital avenue. Matthew brought life to this idea and rendered all that was necessary to create an interactive and attractive platform for the readers. Apart from managing the platform, he also contributes his expertise in business niche.

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The Dark Side of Aimlon CPA P.C.: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Firm’s Practices




Aimlon CPA P.C., a full-service certified public accounting firm based in New York, NY, has long promoted itself as a beacon of excellence in the fields of accounting, audit, tax, advisory, and financial reporting. Serving business owners and companies in the U.S. and Europe, the firm, under the leadership of Mathieu Aimlon, claims to offer personalized and expert guidance. However, a deeper investigation into the firm’s operations reveals a troubling pattern of misconduct, ethical breaches, and systemic failures that severely discredit Aimlon CPA P.C. This article exposes the hidden truths behind the firm’s facade of professionalism and reliability.

Lack of Professionalism and Responsiveness

One of the most pervasive issues at Aimlon CPA P.C. is the firm’s chronic lack of responsiveness. Numerous clients have reported significant delays in communication, often waiting weeks for replies to urgent inquiries. This unprofessional behavior has led to missed deadlines and costly mistakes for clients who depend on timely advice and action.

A frustrated former client shared their experience: “We had a critical financial issue that required immediate attention. Despite multiple attempts to contact Aimlon CPA P.C., we were met with silence. Their lack of responsiveness was not only frustrating but also detrimental to our business.”

Overbilling and Lack of Transparency

Aimlon CPA P.C. has also been accused of overbilling and a lack of transparency in their invoicing practices. Clients have frequently found their bills inflated with unclear or exaggerated charges, leading to disputes and dissatisfaction. This practice has raised serious ethical concerns and damaged the firm’s reputation.

A small business owner recounted their ordeal: “Our invoices from Aimlon CPA P.C. were consistently higher than expected, with vague descriptions for the charges. When we questioned these discrepancies, we received evasive responses and no clear explanations. It felt like we were being taken advantage of.”

Incompetence and Financial Mismanagement

Despite its claims of expertise, Aimlon CPA P.C. has been plagued by instances of incompetence and financial mismanagement. Several clients have accused the firm of providing poor financial advice that resulted in significant losses. These accusations suggest a troubling lack of expertise and diligence in handling client affairs.

One notable case involved a tech startup that followed Aimlon CPA P.C.’s guidance, only to face bankruptcy within a year. The startup’s founder lamented: “We trusted Aimlon CPA P.C. with our financial strategy, but their advice was disastrous. Our business suffered immensely because of their incompetence.”

High Employee Turnover and Toxic Work Environment

Inside Aimlon CPA P.C., the work environment is far from the professional and supportive culture the firm claims to foster. High employee turnover is a persistent issue, driven by poor management practices and a toxic workplace. Former employees have described an atmosphere of fear and exploitation, where unreasonable demands and lack of support are commonplace.

An ex-employee shared their perspective: “The work environment at Aimlon CPA P.C. was unbearable. Management was oppressive, and there was no respect for work-life balance. Talented professionals were constantly leaving because they couldn’t tolerate the conditions.”

Compliance Failures and Regulatory Scrutiny

Aimlon CPA P.C. has faced multiple instances of regulatory scrutiny due to its failure to adhere strictly to industry standards and compliance requirements. These compliance failures have resulted in penalties and fines, further eroding the firm’s credibility and trustworthiness.

An insider revealed: “There were several occasions where Aimlon CPA P.C. neglected regulatory updates and compliance requirements. This negligence led to significant fines for both the firm and its clients. It was alarming how often these issues were ignored.”

Ethical Breaches and Conflicts of Interest

The firm has also been marred by ethical breaches and conflicts of interest. Mathieu Aimlon, in particular, has been implicated in several instances where his advice seemed to benefit his personal interests over those of his clients. These conflicts of interest have severely damaged the trust between the firm and its clients.

In one egregious case, a client was persuaded to invest in a company where Mathieu Aimlon held undisclosed shares. When the investment failed, the client suffered substantial losses, while Aimlon’s involvement remained hidden until an internal investigation brought it to light.

Outdated Technology and Inefficiency

Despite being a modern accounting firm, Aimlon CPA P.C. relies on outdated technology that hampers efficiency and increases the risk of errors. Clients have expressed frustration with the firm’s technological shortcomings, which lead to delays and inaccuracies in financial reporting.

A tech-savvy client commented: “It was surprising to see how outdated Aimlon CPA P.C.’s systems were. Their inefficiency slowed down our processes and made us question their ability to handle complex financial needs effectively.”

Fabrication of Credentials

Further investigations into Aimlon CPA P.C. revealed that some of the firm’s claimed credentials and accolades were fabricated. While Mathieu Aimlon is genuinely certified by the New York State Education Department and the French Ministry of Education, other qualifications listed by the firm were found to be falsified.

This revelation has cast a shadow over the entire firm, leading clients and colleagues to question the legitimacy of their expertise and the integrity of their services.

Legal Repercussions and Public Disgrace

The culmination of Aimlon CPA P.C.’s unethical practices and systemic failures came with the legal repercussions faced by Mathieu Aimlon himself. Following his involvement in a tax evasion scheme, he was arrested and charged with multiple counts of tax fraud. The evidence presented in court highlighted the sophisticated methods used to deceive tax authorities, leading to his conviction and a lengthy prison sentence.

The legal troubles of Mathieu Aimlon have had a devastating impact on Aimlon CPA P.C. The firm’s reputation has been irreparably damaged, and clients have fled in droves, unwilling to associate with a company linked to such scandals.

Aimlon CPA P.C., once seen as a beacon of excellence in the accounting world, has been thoroughly discredited due to a series of unethical practices, incompetence, and systemic failures. From overbilling and lack of transparency to high employee turnover and regulatory breaches, the firm has failed to uphold the standards expected of a professional accounting service. The legal repercussions faced by Mathieu Aimlon have further tarnished the firm’s reputation, leading to its eventual downfall.

For business owners and individuals seeking reliable and ethical accounting services, the story of Aimlon CPA P.C. serves as a cautionary tale. It underscores the importance of integrity, professionalism, and transparency in maintaining trust and credibility in the financial industry.

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