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Charcoal Face Wash- Why is it good?




Charcoal is the magic element in the skincare industry today. The ability to absorb all the impurities, excessive oil, and bacteria from the pores of the skin makes it an unbeatable necessity for skincare. For obvious reasons, the environment is not fit to lead a healthy lifestyle. The insurmountable pollution, the harmful UV rays of the sun, contribute a great deal to damaging our skin. 

The facial skin is twice as sensitive as the body’s skin. This is because the facial skin has comparatively more sebaceous glands and the face epidermis is only 0.12 mm thick compared to 0.60 mm of the body skin. This makes our facial skin more sensitive to pollution, toxins, and bacteria. 

Pores and Skin Issues

The pores on your face, if not looked after and taken care of regularly, can throw an ultimate tantrum like a spoiled child. A tantrum that is so stubborn that it can take you ages to get rid of it. Yes, that oily skin, acne, dull skin, a breakout in most of the cases is a result of large pores on your skin. 

It may be due to clogged pores or sun damage or it could be because of aging or blackheads. What matters is that it does some real damage to your skin, which can cause trouble in the long run. The smaller the pore, the clearer the skin.

Clogged Pores and Oily Skin 

Pores are nothing but glorified hair follicles on the skin that can make way for the sebum gland to secrete excessive oil. It is no wonder that the pores enlarge if they are left clogged with oil for a long time. The enlarged pores further increase the secretion of oil in the skin and this is what may lead to oily skin.

Sunlight and Dull Skin

Sunlight is one of the reasons for enlarged pores on the skin. The more time you spend tanning on a beach or with your skin exposed to the sunlight, the more your pores get damaged. Next time you’re out, make sure you use sunscreen. The enlarged pores and harmful sunlight can also lead to dull skin and drain the life out of the skin cells.

How Does Charcoal Face Wash Help?

Charcoal has completely transformed the healthcare and beauty industry. The benefit of this single ingredient on the skin is almost magical. Clear skin became a reality for many and natural exfoliation of the skin brings back its brightness. Here’s why you should try charcoal face wash for yourself.

Removes Blackhead 

Blackheads and whiteheads are those stubborn spots on the face that appear due to pores clogged with dead cells, bacteria, and oil. The pores remain blocked due to blackheads and when they are removed, the closed pores leave whiteheads on the face. 

Charcoal face wash removes the oil and dead skin cells from deep within the skin. Applying a few drops gently on the skin for two to three minutes can absorb all the dead cells and oil, naturally leaving the pores clean, without leaving an aftereffect on the skin.

Extracts Bacteria and Impurities

Bacteria and impurities are two very common reasons for skin infection. The break out of dry skin or excessively oily skin is due to the harmful bacteria and impurities accumulated deep within which cannot be removed with normal ingredients.

Activated charcoal balances these bacterias and completely extracts the impurities from the skin, removing half of the reason for skin problems. Impurities, whether internal or external, can do some serious damage to the skin.

Opens Clogged Pores

After a long discussion above, it is clear how clogged and enlarged pores become the main reason for early wrinkles, dull skin, acne, and many other problems. Hence, charcoal face wash comes to your rescue here. The charcoal removes all the reasons for clogged pores and reduces its size so that it does not affect your features and evens out your tone.

Excessive oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, impurities, dust, anything that can cause damage to the skin is gently removed from the skin without leaving any trace.

Prevents Acne

Acne is the most common skin related complaint among both men and women. Acne is usually caused due to clogged pores and bacterias. However, it can also be caused due to hormonal imbalance, stress, or an unhealthy diet. The food we eat has a lot to do with everything that goes around in our body. Hence, the excess oil production in the skin is visible on the face in the form of acne. 

Charcoal face wash balances the oil in the skin and prevents acne. Once the skin is all clear of bacteria, dead cells, and impurities, the chances of an acne breakout on the skin decreases. 

Firm Skin

No one wants to look like they are 50 years old during their 20s or 30s. In fact, the idea of early wrinkles causes chills running down the spine for many people. Early wrinkles usually occur because the skin loses its firmness and tightness that is required to hold it all together. Enlarged pores are one of the reasons for early age wrinkles on the face.

Charcoal face wash reduces the pore size and tightens the skin after cleaning. It keeps the skin hydrated and increases firmness. The charcoal face wash is your way to flawless beauty and bright skin.

Say No to Dull Skin

That’s it! With charcoal products in the market, you have no excuse to not take care of your skin. Charcoal is produced using many kinds of wood, bamboo, and coconut burns. These burns are then activated for further use. 

Charcoal face wash can help you achieve clear and flawless skin. Check out Les Creme for some amazing charcoal face washes.

Michelle has been a part of the journey ever since Bigtime Daily started. As a strong learner and passionate writer, she contributes her editing skills for the news agency. She also jots down intellectual pieces from categories such as science and health.

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From Wealth to Fields: A Billionaire’s Commitment to Small Farmers




In recent years, billionaire Stefan Soloviev has transitioned from the world of New York real estate to the fertile farmlands of the American West. 

His journey from urban wealth to rural development showcases a unique dedication to revitalizing small farming communities and transforming the agricultural landscape.

A New Vision for Agriculture

Stefan Soloviev, son of the late real estate tycoon Sheldon Solow, has amassed a considerable amount of farmland across Colorado, Kansas, and New Mexico. Soloviev’s agricultural enterprise, Crossroads Agriculture, spans over 400,000 acres, making him one of the largest landowners in the United States. 

This substantial investment is not merely a financial venture; it represents a commitment to supporting and empowering small farmers in these regions.

Soloviev’s approach to farming is characterized by his desire to move away from competitive practices that often leave small farmers struggling. Instead, he emphasizes collaboration and sustainability. 

By leveraging his resources, Soloviev aims to create a farming environment where smallholders can thrive alongside larger operations. This philosophy is particularly evident in his strategic acquisition of the San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad, a critical transportation link for agricultural products in the region.

Revitalizing Rural Communities

Soloviev’s impact extends beyond farmland acquisition. His purchase of the San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad at a bankruptcy auction for $10.7 million highlights his broader vision for the agricultural sector. 

This railroad, previously owned by Iowa Pacific Holdings, connects the San Luis Valley to the national rail network, facilitating the efficient transport of goods and boosting local economies.

The acquisition is seen as a positive development for the San Luis Valley, with Soloviev’s Colorado Pacific Railroad expected to be more community-focused and supportive of local initiatives compared to the previous owners. This includes potential cooperation with local recreational projects, such as the proposed Heart of the Valley Trail, which aims to integrate rail and trail use for community benefit.

Soloviev’s dedication to the region is also reflected in his willingness to work with local stakeholders to address community needs. His approach contrasts with more traditional, profit-driven business models and underscores his commitment to fostering a sustainable and inclusive agricultural ecosystem.

Building a Sustainable Future

Soloviev’s investment in the Colorado Pacific Railroad and the broader agricultural infrastructure is part of a long-term vision to create a more resilient and sustainable farming community. By improving transportation networks and providing support to small farmers, he hopes to mitigate some of the challenges these farmers face, such as market access and transportation costs.

Moreover, Soloviev’s initiatives are seen as a way to preserve and enhance the rural way of life, which is increasingly threatened by industrial farming and urban encroachment. His efforts to balance economic viability with environmental stewardship demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the complexities of modern agriculture.

In conclusion, Stefan Soloviev’s transition from urban real estate mogul to a champion of small farmers is a testament to his innovative and community-oriented approach. 

His significant investments in farmland and infrastructure, coupled with a commitment to sustainability and local engagement, are paving the way for a brighter future for small farmers in Colorado and beyond. Through his efforts, Soloviev is not only transforming

the agricultural landscape but also setting a precedent for how wealth and resources can be used to foster positive change in rural communities​. 

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