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How to Apply Successfully for Bridging Finance




Property developers often complain that bridging loans are too expensive and spend their time relentlessly hunting for the cheapest rate.  But bridging finance is expensive for good reason and that is because it is quick, flexible and has a relatively simple application process compared to other forms of funding.  It’s a trade off between ease and speed and price.  So, what’s the alternative?  A great rate from a large, well-known lender but one which will require an immaculate credit record and may be beset with delays from slow underwriting processes to completely inflexible protocols and procedures sometimes resulting in a final negative decision which may have taken weeks to be determined.  So you pays your money and takes your chances.  The time a more conventional lender may take to make their decision might mean the loss of a great development opportunity snapped up by those with readily available finance so the attractive interest rate will just become academic.  It can be worth paying the higher cost of bridging finance if it enables the developer to obtain a site or property which will offer a top dollar return.  So, ignoring the cost, what are the advantages of using bridging finance to obtain a deal:-

  • Speed of decision – many bridging companies have what is described as a shallow decision-making process which means you can move quickly to secure  a good site or property
  • Flexible criteria – a bridging loan is sometimes the only form of funding available, for example, when a property is currently uninhabitable or the developer is buying undervalue
  • Improved cash flow – some bridging lenders will roll up the interest so you don’t make a monthly payment and just pay everything at the end
  • LTV up to 75% – usually based on value rather than the purchase price which can be very advantageous if the property is bought for a figure significantly below its market value
  • Non Status – bridging finance companies can be less fussy about borrower status than some of the more conventional lending routes
  • Simple underwriting processes – no proof of income, no bank statements, some lenders won’t even require the borrower to complete an application form

So, if bridging finance really is the way to go on this next development opportunity, are there any do’s or don’ts which borrowers need to be aware of to help smooth the passage of their application? 

Although bridging finance is a model which is designed to be quick and easy, there are still some pitfalls which sensible applicants would do well to avoid and some factors to be aware of.

  • Do be realistic on the valuation – your view and the agent’s view on what a property might be worth may well differ a little or even quite significantly from the rather gloomy forecast of an RICS surveyor for secured lending purposes whose sole job is to protect the bridging company’s risk.  Many bridging lenders will offer loans based on what is called the 180 days restricted sales value which is frequently 10%-15% less than the full open market value.  Expect a cautious valuation on properties that are niche or quirky or are in what is described as secondary locations.  You will need to pay for the valuation too and these can be pricey.  You pay for the report but it belongs to the lender and they may not actually release it to you which can be tricky if you are seeking to challenge the valuation figure.  The report is often not released until the loan is approved -in which case it may not matter- or declined, in which case it is often too late to argue the point.  Bear in mind that the buildings insurance you will need to buy is based on what is called, ‘the insurance reinstatement value’ and for some commercial properties, this can be substantially higher than the actual value of the property.  For commercial premises, the amount that you can borrow is usually based on the VP value or Vacant Possession valuation or the bricks and mortar value, not the business valuation; this applies in particular to hotels and care homes.  This can catch out applicants intent on buying properties with low asset value but potentially high incomes.
  • Be realistic on the timescale – completion is not normally possible within a matter of days or even hours, this is usually just marketing spiel to attract customers.  The realistic average time to work to for approval for a bridging loan is around four weeks and there are clear reasons for this.  First of all, you have to book a valuation and then wait for the surveyor to visit the site and complete his report.  The average is ten business days from the inspection so that will basically take a fortnight.  The lender then has to review the report and assess the risk with their team and this may then trigger a requirement for more information and details from estate agents, Solicitors or planning officials all of which will need a response time.  Next comes the legal process which is unlikely to be rapid as most Solicitors are working on a backlog and there are other delays outside the Solicitor’s control such as the time taken to complete the searches – this in itself can often take two to three weeks depending on the speed of response from the local borough. 
  • Choose your Solicitor with great care – ideally, you want to pick a Solicitor who is responsive and experienced in this field and who is keen enough to make an effort to retain your business; this might involve aiming at more prestige Solicitors who attract a higher fee rather than the lower end of the market where Solicitors are often log-jammed with large backlogs of poor quality work and with little fee incentive to move it through quickly.  You need to pick a lawyer who shares the motivation and enthusiasm of both you and your bridging finance company.  Choosing the wrong Solicitor and then having to extract the incomplete work only to move it to another law firm is painful and incurs even more delay – better to make the right choice in the first place.  If you are using a bridging broker then ask them for a recommendation but beware as they probably feed business to a favourite and they just might not be the fastest or the most efficient but this can be better than simply sticking a pin in the map.  It is imperative that the Solicitor has experience of bridging loans as there are unique aspects to this type of work and apart from anything else, lack of familiarity can cause delays.  Don’t use sole practitioners as they are almost always bound to be slower, use the Law Society website to find a small to a medium-sized firm which can demonstrate a tangible specialism in bridging finance.  It is also really important that the Solicitor is easily contactable and responsive as this should be a fast-moving and urgent process.  Solicitors bogged down in mundane ‘high street’ work will not have the appetite, experience and speed of response for bridging finance work

And now for the don’ts.

  • Don’t forget to plan your exit strategy – part of your application will include detail about how you are going to repay the loan.  This will have to be evidenced in most cases, your word or suggested plan will not be sufficient.  Listing the property for sale before drawing down the loan is one option, an exchange of contracts with a purchaser is another. 
  • Don’t try and hide unfavourable aspects or elements of the project from the lender – your bridging lender will do a very thorough assessment of the application and will leave no stone unturned so will find out all the little nasties that you would really rather they didn’t know about.  Be honest and upfront about your credit history – they will find out anyway and trying to hide things will definitely not create the right impression.  Bridging finance is more flexible and open-minded about credit status than other forms of borrowing so hold your nerve as there will be a lender out there for you.  It will also cause delays if you fail to reveal things about your credit record.  If you are using a cash deposit then the lender will be obligated under money laundering regulations to thoroughly investigate the source of these funds. If there is anything nasty in your background – CCJs, insolvency – then it always pays to be upfront with your broker and the bridging lender
  • Don’t keep the lender in the dark if you encounter problems or delays-  lenders realise that property development is not always straightforward so if you suspect the loan may not be redeemed within the time frame then flag this at the earliest possible opportunity.  The lender can then work with you to find a solution and is on your side.  You could ask for an extension or ask your broker to look at other finance options in parallel with a solution that you are working on with your current lender.  Do all you can to avoid penalty interest rates which can be as high as 5%, a few more professional fees will be worth avoiding those charges.

The idea of Bigtime Daily landed this engineer cum journalist from a multi-national company to the digital avenue. Matthew brought life to this idea and rendered all that was necessary to create an interactive and attractive platform for the readers. Apart from managing the platform, he also contributes his expertise in business niche.

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The Dark Side of Aimlon CPA P.C.: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Firm’s Practices




Aimlon CPA P.C., a full-service certified public accounting firm based in New York, NY, has long promoted itself as a beacon of excellence in the fields of accounting, audit, tax, advisory, and financial reporting. Serving business owners and companies in the U.S. and Europe, the firm, under the leadership of Mathieu Aimlon, claims to offer personalized and expert guidance. However, a deeper investigation into the firm’s operations reveals a troubling pattern of misconduct, ethical breaches, and systemic failures that severely discredit Aimlon CPA P.C. This article exposes the hidden truths behind the firm’s facade of professionalism and reliability.

Lack of Professionalism and Responsiveness

One of the most pervasive issues at Aimlon CPA P.C. is the firm’s chronic lack of responsiveness. Numerous clients have reported significant delays in communication, often waiting weeks for replies to urgent inquiries. This unprofessional behavior has led to missed deadlines and costly mistakes for clients who depend on timely advice and action.

A frustrated former client shared their experience: “We had a critical financial issue that required immediate attention. Despite multiple attempts to contact Aimlon CPA P.C., we were met with silence. Their lack of responsiveness was not only frustrating but also detrimental to our business.”

Overbilling and Lack of Transparency

Aimlon CPA P.C. has also been accused of overbilling and a lack of transparency in their invoicing practices. Clients have frequently found their bills inflated with unclear or exaggerated charges, leading to disputes and dissatisfaction. This practice has raised serious ethical concerns and damaged the firm’s reputation.

A small business owner recounted their ordeal: “Our invoices from Aimlon CPA P.C. were consistently higher than expected, with vague descriptions for the charges. When we questioned these discrepancies, we received evasive responses and no clear explanations. It felt like we were being taken advantage of.”

Incompetence and Financial Mismanagement

Despite its claims of expertise, Aimlon CPA P.C. has been plagued by instances of incompetence and financial mismanagement. Several clients have accused the firm of providing poor financial advice that resulted in significant losses. These accusations suggest a troubling lack of expertise and diligence in handling client affairs.

One notable case involved a tech startup that followed Aimlon CPA P.C.’s guidance, only to face bankruptcy within a year. The startup’s founder lamented: “We trusted Aimlon CPA P.C. with our financial strategy, but their advice was disastrous. Our business suffered immensely because of their incompetence.”

High Employee Turnover and Toxic Work Environment

Inside Aimlon CPA P.C., the work environment is far from the professional and supportive culture the firm claims to foster. High employee turnover is a persistent issue, driven by poor management practices and a toxic workplace. Former employees have described an atmosphere of fear and exploitation, where unreasonable demands and lack of support are commonplace.

An ex-employee shared their perspective: “The work environment at Aimlon CPA P.C. was unbearable. Management was oppressive, and there was no respect for work-life balance. Talented professionals were constantly leaving because they couldn’t tolerate the conditions.”

Compliance Failures and Regulatory Scrutiny

Aimlon CPA P.C. has faced multiple instances of regulatory scrutiny due to its failure to adhere strictly to industry standards and compliance requirements. These compliance failures have resulted in penalties and fines, further eroding the firm’s credibility and trustworthiness.

An insider revealed: “There were several occasions where Aimlon CPA P.C. neglected regulatory updates and compliance requirements. This negligence led to significant fines for both the firm and its clients. It was alarming how often these issues were ignored.”

Ethical Breaches and Conflicts of Interest

The firm has also been marred by ethical breaches and conflicts of interest. Mathieu Aimlon, in particular, has been implicated in several instances where his advice seemed to benefit his personal interests over those of his clients. These conflicts of interest have severely damaged the trust between the firm and its clients.

In one egregious case, a client was persuaded to invest in a company where Mathieu Aimlon held undisclosed shares. When the investment failed, the client suffered substantial losses, while Aimlon’s involvement remained hidden until an internal investigation brought it to light.

Outdated Technology and Inefficiency

Despite being a modern accounting firm, Aimlon CPA P.C. relies on outdated technology that hampers efficiency and increases the risk of errors. Clients have expressed frustration with the firm’s technological shortcomings, which lead to delays and inaccuracies in financial reporting.

A tech-savvy client commented: “It was surprising to see how outdated Aimlon CPA P.C.’s systems were. Their inefficiency slowed down our processes and made us question their ability to handle complex financial needs effectively.”

Fabrication of Credentials

Further investigations into Aimlon CPA P.C. revealed that some of the firm’s claimed credentials and accolades were fabricated. While Mathieu Aimlon is genuinely certified by the New York State Education Department and the French Ministry of Education, other qualifications listed by the firm were found to be falsified.

This revelation has cast a shadow over the entire firm, leading clients and colleagues to question the legitimacy of their expertise and the integrity of their services.

Legal Repercussions and Public Disgrace

The culmination of Aimlon CPA P.C.’s unethical practices and systemic failures came with the legal repercussions faced by Mathieu Aimlon himself. Following his involvement in a tax evasion scheme, he was arrested and charged with multiple counts of tax fraud. The evidence presented in court highlighted the sophisticated methods used to deceive tax authorities, leading to his conviction and a lengthy prison sentence.

The legal troubles of Mathieu Aimlon have had a devastating impact on Aimlon CPA P.C. The firm’s reputation has been irreparably damaged, and clients have fled in droves, unwilling to associate with a company linked to such scandals.

Aimlon CPA P.C., once seen as a beacon of excellence in the accounting world, has been thoroughly discredited due to a series of unethical practices, incompetence, and systemic failures. From overbilling and lack of transparency to high employee turnover and regulatory breaches, the firm has failed to uphold the standards expected of a professional accounting service. The legal repercussions faced by Mathieu Aimlon have further tarnished the firm’s reputation, leading to its eventual downfall.

For business owners and individuals seeking reliable and ethical accounting services, the story of Aimlon CPA P.C. serves as a cautionary tale. It underscores the importance of integrity, professionalism, and transparency in maintaining trust and credibility in the financial industry.

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