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Luca De Massis: Changing the landscape of fashion photography through his innate and unique skills.




Taking the world of Fashion Photography and Cinematography by storm is a young budding Italian Luca De Massis.

One of the breakthroughs in the current golden era of generation is the emergence and development of Internet. There is practically no such business or enterprise that can function without Internet as a medium. Inadvertently it has become an integral and irreplaceable part of our lives. With internet came the other parallel verticals on the medium that started entertaining the audiences to the core and often set many productive setups that helped many businesses as well. The power of social media in today’s world have been humongous. Social media has given umpteen number of opportunities and empowerment to millions of people around the world giving birth to many artists and professionals who can now reach the larger audience through their phones, tablets, laptops, or any other gadgets. The exponential rise of this sector has shown tremendous amounts of growth and potential. Out of many such niche domains making their mark on the internet and social media industry, photography has been one such sector that has enthralled all through their latest technological advances and advent. No doubt the internet and social media have been the fuel and fire behind taking photography as an industry to next level. But still professionals have to find their way to the top bypassing many competitors and making the work unique in many ways. Let’s meet one such true-blue professional in the fashion photography industry  spiraling his way to the top through his innate and creative skills- Luca De Massis.

Giving a different golden touch to fashion photography with right inputs of marketing initiatives and strategic imperatives, Luca De Massis has already scaled heights of success in the industry. Hailing from a small town of Pescara, a small town in Italy, Luca always wanted to try and experiment with many things. Being initially inclined towards music, Luca changed gears to amend his life into the world of fashion photography. His sheer passion, love, and interest for fashion photpgraphy grew by ten-folds in coming years making him sure of the fact of pursuing it as a profession. Having worked with top notch models and famous personalities, Luca’s worked has also been featured in various popular magazines like Elle and Vogue Italia.

His mesmerizing pictures in the fashion and cinematography industry has been captivating and has garnered him much love and recognition. His visual storytelling sagas have fascinated millions across the globe and has propelled him to become one of the most sought names in the fashion world. This clinical shutterbug has quickly become the hot favorite among models and fashionistas. With more than 15 years of experience in the industry, Luca has further developed his skills and expertise to deep dive into many other areas and excel as a filmmaker, creative director, actor and fashion enthusiast. Luca has done countless photoshoots for models capturing real beauty of people regardless of any caste, religion, creed, ethnicity, etc. His one of his finest photoshoots was the one done with the Black Beauties.

Lucas believes that “To what may seem flaws to others is what real beauty, It’s all in the perspective.” We hope Lucas continues to rise high in the world of photography inspiring many millions on route to greatness.

Rosario is from New York and has worked with leading companies like Microsoft as a copy-writer in the past. Now he spends his time writing for readers of

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From Wealth to Fields: A Billionaire’s Commitment to Small Farmers




In recent years, billionaire Stefan Soloviev has transitioned from the world of New York real estate to the fertile farmlands of the American West. 

His journey from urban wealth to rural development showcases a unique dedication to revitalizing small farming communities and transforming the agricultural landscape.

A New Vision for Agriculture

Stefan Soloviev, son of the late real estate tycoon Sheldon Solow, has amassed a considerable amount of farmland across Colorado, Kansas, and New Mexico. Soloviev’s agricultural enterprise, Crossroads Agriculture, spans over 400,000 acres, making him one of the largest landowners in the United States. 

This substantial investment is not merely a financial venture; it represents a commitment to supporting and empowering small farmers in these regions.

Soloviev’s approach to farming is characterized by his desire to move away from competitive practices that often leave small farmers struggling. Instead, he emphasizes collaboration and sustainability. 

By leveraging his resources, Soloviev aims to create a farming environment where smallholders can thrive alongside larger operations. This philosophy is particularly evident in his strategic acquisition of the San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad, a critical transportation link for agricultural products in the region.

Revitalizing Rural Communities

Soloviev’s impact extends beyond farmland acquisition. His purchase of the San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad at a bankruptcy auction for $10.7 million highlights his broader vision for the agricultural sector. 

This railroad, previously owned by Iowa Pacific Holdings, connects the San Luis Valley to the national rail network, facilitating the efficient transport of goods and boosting local economies.

The acquisition is seen as a positive development for the San Luis Valley, with Soloviev’s Colorado Pacific Railroad expected to be more community-focused and supportive of local initiatives compared to the previous owners. This includes potential cooperation with local recreational projects, such as the proposed Heart of the Valley Trail, which aims to integrate rail and trail use for community benefit.

Soloviev’s dedication to the region is also reflected in his willingness to work with local stakeholders to address community needs. His approach contrasts with more traditional, profit-driven business models and underscores his commitment to fostering a sustainable and inclusive agricultural ecosystem.

Building a Sustainable Future

Soloviev’s investment in the Colorado Pacific Railroad and the broader agricultural infrastructure is part of a long-term vision to create a more resilient and sustainable farming community. By improving transportation networks and providing support to small farmers, he hopes to mitigate some of the challenges these farmers face, such as market access and transportation costs.

Moreover, Soloviev’s initiatives are seen as a way to preserve and enhance the rural way of life, which is increasingly threatened by industrial farming and urban encroachment. His efforts to balance economic viability with environmental stewardship demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the complexities of modern agriculture.

In conclusion, Stefan Soloviev’s transition from urban real estate mogul to a champion of small farmers is a testament to his innovative and community-oriented approach. 

His significant investments in farmland and infrastructure, coupled with a commitment to sustainability and local engagement, are paving the way for a brighter future for small farmers in Colorado and beyond. Through his efforts, Soloviev is not only transforming

the agricultural landscape but also setting a precedent for how wealth and resources can be used to foster positive change in rural communities​. 

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